
Thanks man I appreciate that. And I must say there’s merit in an Inter fan who not only entertains but agrees with a message that supports Milan’s right for a better future. That takes a special intellectual honesty and I applaud you for that. Even stranger and kinda sad to see how out of all the Milanisti, the only person who openly agrees with the message happens to be an Inter fan. But whatever, I digress. So look, regarding the right flank I think Loftus Cheek would be more than capable of providing that width (even though I’m not a big fan of him). I personally see his best performances being at the beginning of the season when we were still playing a 433 and he was doing exactly that by combining with Pulisic and attacking the space in behind. That’s until Krunic left who was our only midfielder capable of playing as the single pivot, and RLC was turned into a trequartista (added striker in possession) in order to revert to the 4231. This allowed him to score many more goals as he was always close to or inside the box, but it severely detached him from the game because for our current principles of play, that role requires a technical ability and vision that he simply does not have, and also a quota of defensive duties (to be the first line of pressing, intercepting passes) that he can’t perform because he doesn’t have the attitude to run the extra mile, to be aggressive, the intelligence to intercept passing lanes, and to be fair it’s also because he has never had any experience in that specific role (I also got the impression that he avoids challenges, sprints because he’s scared of getting injured). Your criticism is still valid because it’s based on the premise that he would be paired with Calabria, but I believe that regardless of the tactical direction we’re going to take, a new right back will be needed and will be bought anyway. So in my scenario I would like someone like Jordan Teze from PSV for example who could realistically go for less than 30m since his contract’s due in 2025. Someone with great distribution skills who propels the action forward as testimonied by his ranking in the 99th percentile for progressive passes (although he’s not good at carrying the ball): something we desperately miss when building from the back and that unfortunately still wouldn’t be solved by him alone because our center backs and even Theo are simply not good in build up play; someone who can use his vision and ability to link up to create space for RLC to run into; can cover the space behind thanks to his pace and can occasionally line up in a back up as prevention during possession; and who can also add a unique solution in attack since he’s truly an elite crosser, one of the few in Europe like Dimarco, Sugawara, Cancelo who has that curly fast paced cross in his range. That is something we already miss, and that in my scenario specifically would be very useful, because you have an aerially dominant player like sesko upfront, and on top of that, depending on the moment you can fill up the box with imposing players like rlc, zirkzee, Leao as well who desperately needs to learn how to attack the second post. To conclude, I do like Guirassy as well and I think he could work in this system because he’s very good in link up play and would still pair well with Zirkzee. But I specifically chose Sesko because of his ability to attack the space which in a counter attacking system like this would make all the difference compared to Guirassy. And also because of his presence in the box, the complete aerial dominance that would otherwise be missing.
Atletico Madrid have reverted to their old logo. Please Oaktree do the same, I'm begging you
Listen not to be too ungrateful but if Lautaro wants 12m upwards he can pack his bags if u ask me
Si beh, indifferente dai, Pellegrini può stare sulla linea di Barella e Jorginho e Chiesa vicino a Scamacca.
avatar 🧂🧂🧂
no he was class in prem. it's just unfortunate that of all managers he could join he chose Moyes.
I don't see how it doesn't matter to give young players playtime when you can instead of old players that are leaving the club but ok xD
Wrong Carlos
It doesn't matter the result...but it matters to give playtime to youngsters instead of 35yo players that are leaving in 1 month. Am I wrong? lol
2nd star 1st degree Brought the inter scarf w me at the thesis discussion and it worked out
Well he did, except for Bisseck. But 11v10, 2-0...players were just passing the ball around and doing it's like not playing at all lol
I wanted to share some seconds of the amazing skills of Tomori aka "the best defender in Serie A"
I have a question for you: "Which ones are you using?"
This is pure art. Acerbi the nazi saw the two things he hates the most.
And Napoli's equaliser came from a non-existent corner. We literally only failed to win two games in the league in 2024 because of referee mistakes but they still have the nerve to talk about Marotta league.
used to y’all crying
These are not that big of what ifs. Probably not that much would have changed, it's always hard to do this type of comparison with transfer decisions. Much more straight forward with on-the field moments
already a bigger european performance than any of immobile ones
misses two great chances grabs savic's balls leaves refuses to elaborate. what a chad
For all inter fans i want to say i'm sorry for jinxing you, i was and still is rooting for your success, please forgive me
Who doesn't perform against good teams? Acerbi didn't stop Haaland for 90 minutes months ago? Darmian and Sanchez are subs. Do you even watch football or...
Winning titles > Talking about titles that are over a decade old lmao
How can you compare? Cancelo was a 24yo guy who we couldn't afford to buy. He played at Inter one year in loan and he was loved but wasn't an idol. Lukaku was a mature 30yo, that we bought with a lot of money saving him from his decline at Shitty Utd and became an "hero" in Milano. He played for us 2 amazing seasons and won a scudetto after a looong time. He decided to leave us in high waters at the end of the market because he wanted to go to Chelsea. He failed and we forgiven him and welcomed him once again. He fucked up in important situations like EL and CL finals but still we forgiven him because loved...and then you do that? After saying you wouldn't have played for any other team in Italy than Inter? Don't compare that shit ever again please.
So glad to hear that as an Armenian, he's the best player in our history :)
There's one thing that we know for sure, if that happened the other way around and Genoa didn't get the penalty, we would be living into madness right now. There would be crusades in the streets right now.
Even if Inter had 6-7 less points that would be more points at this stage than almost every season in the history of Milan. Not sure why you think that is easy.
I have no problem saying that in my opinion it wasn't a penalty but having Milan fans come here and talk about dignity is truly hilarious
Only 6-7? I'm disappointed I thought we had robbed at least 20 points. Marotta really needs to do more
🎶Bitch is back Back again Bitch is back To complain Bitch is back Bitch is back Cant accept His team is trash Bitch is back🎶
Anche quello non è vero se uno guardasse le immagini invece di basarsi sulle cazzate dei giornali. Rebic va al tiro dalla distanza, viene anticipato da Bastoni e di conseguenza Rebic calcia il tendine d'achille di Bastoni commettendo fallo. Non solo non era gol, ma hanno anche preso una punizione che non esisteva. Ha invertito il fallo. Lascia perde dai. ps: io non so chi fosse o non fosse d'accordo l'anno scorso. Io sicuramente lo criticavo, poco ma sicuro, ma credo un po' tutti...poi però, fortunatamente si cambia idea nella vita. Solo i coglioni non cambiano mai idea, perchè purtroppo hanno una mentalità troppo chiusa e un orgoglio che li mangia. Tu? Quando ametterai l'errore e cambierai idea? Tik tok.
So you predicted that Inzaghi would win the league by a landslide? Then why did you want him out? Your sophism breaks down immediately if you apply two drops of logic.
But you predicted the opposite and were so sure of it, and literally could not have been proven more wrong. Every single occurance of the last 6 months proves you wrong in an extraordinary manner. You need a very heavy dose of humility and no one should give any credibility to anything you say
Last year he fucked up hard. I don't know how he managed to do such a shitty job in the league. But the 2021/2022...can't blame him cmon.
Last year it was. You cannot lose 12 games like that. The year before I can't blame him. We lost the scudetto because we made 7 points in 7 matches between january and march, but seriously...go watch those 7 matches from beginning to end...those games were fkn cursed...we deserved to win all of those but all the unimaginable happened in those games. Our strikers kept missing goals on an empty net...those weeks was incredibly painful to watch Inter. This miss for example is for me the perfect image of those 7 matches:
Blud he's better than Barella and TAA according to EA, and he's got the same overall as Bellingham and Kimmich XDD
What attributes? Lmao. He isn't top class nor bad at anything. Just a very good midfielder and that's it
He's a good player, but nothing too special imo. 86/89 and no way he is rated higher than kroos ffs
It's obvious that a manager with these result is being talked (just like Xabi Alonso ar Arteta...) but I'm pretty relaxed, I don't think Inzaghi will go anywhere. As for Real Madrid...they renewed Ancelotti until 2026 making him decline Brasilian NT and he's gonna win the Liga minimum so I don't think they're planning to change.
Ok. It was an old funny thing to remind. Not gonna dive into it once again.
"Letting Donnarumma go for free was actually a good deal, we saved a lot of money" lol yeah that's always funny even after years.
dude, even this fucking site says that the decision is right what are you on about ahahahhahaha "so it is fortunate for Inter that the footage was so clear and allowed the referee to make a decision." The footage was clear and allowed the refree to go atthe VAR and disallow the goal ahahahhaha
you are, it's clear. i don't really know how can someone say that you got "a fine goal disallowed" after that blatant touch with the arm. go play volleyball.
you're the sad one here. and if you find satisfaction is seeing other one lose, than, this is a proof of how sad you are. we'll surely lose, but i'm not a dishonest shit person like you.
If I talk about it, it means I'm worried about it? Or maybe I'm just surprised/shocked about how disastrous some people's behaviors are
Can't wait for Gasperini's meltdown post game
That's a handball by the rules, unless they change them these will keep getting called.
Indeed. But playing this dynamic football with such attacking and defensive solidity needing to sell key players every single window feels just as impressive imo. By far the best football played this season
You could have shown a lot of great example but you managed to show only wrong ones lol. You took a bunch of players that in Premier didn't even have playtime because they were always injuried (Pulisic, Mkhi...), or they were just young 20yo kids (Tomori), or they have been good just one year in Serie A (Lukaku) but they have been shit even in Serie A since then, but they were actually amazing in the past in PL (when he was at Everton), or someone so washed (Ibra) to be able to score 17 goals in 32 matches at 36 years old being always injuried (LOL) or Szczesny...?'re saying that a goalkeeper doesn't perform because the league is too good? Ahahahha you're gone mate.
Ofcourse Sommer is out due to a flu. My man hasn t moved at all in the last couple of games
Ahahaha permalosi complessati for a reason. I guess Kanye doesn t fit em stylistically 🤪
How Kanye watched his goal
We were all like this man
Ok, so you admit that you wrote inaccurately that he hid his arm behind his back? He certainly tried to do that, he clearly didn't do it. If he had hid his arm behind his back, the ball would not in fact have hit his forearm. You did describe what he should have done to ensure that was not a penalty. But the fact is he did not do that. He had plenty of time, the ball came from about 5 meters away. Clear penalty.
*Arsenico saying someone speaks more about another team than the team he supports* *Arsenico talking about Inter in every single message* *Arsenico dives into hypocrisy knowing he does*
Wasn't really keeping it up with the Perisic comparison because I hope he has gotten the same tricks of course. The guy has been bought for the right spot and he is not likely to be considered much for a Dimash backup as we do have a proper one by now. However, Buchanan could provide us with the that required technical accuracy, speed and dribbling ability on the only side he is indeed intended to get settled which is necessary from my point of view if we want to add unpredictability to our game and get even stronger.
Inter vs milan earlier this season 😉