Hawks and Alex 2

So finally Dortmud decided to get rid the dead weight. Some would say that Reus is loyal bla bla bla I say the only reason he stayed for so long is because no one else would take an injury merchant who plays 5 games a season and has one of the highest payrolls in football. It was about comfort and money all along and Dortmud took too long to realize it. Typical coming from a club that thinks it’s bigger than it really is.
should be 89/92 at most. he is definitely not better than harry kane or other top ST with over 90 ratings. He only has speed and physicality, no skillset whatsoever. Cant even play mind games with defenders as he is too straight, making it too easy for top defender to read him. If he somehow managed to get more skillsets, he can be even more than the 90 rated strikers.
Welcome to manchester