
Laimer isn't joining us. Also, not the type of player we need. He's good defensively, and a strong engine, but not very technical. If we were still coached under Conte it would make a lot of sense.
Maybe I'd expect an offer like that for Richarlison from a Saudi club. Several rumors talk about it.
I was waiting for the 85th minute Leverkusen goal which would launch the comeback but it never came...
It's not sofifa users, it's literally all football fans including arsenal fans. If you're so much better than us, why are you here? we shouldn't even be in your heads at all right?
Add us living rent free in your heads 24/7 to that list lmaooooooooo maybe your shit team shouldn't drop points to team like Fulham and low block City when you need a win, won't win the title out of pity you gimps
Mate. Don’t diss Fulham.
Yet he’s in the squad today
He only needs to start vs teams that sit back. Ange needs to understand this ahead of time with tactical prep and make a decision to use someone else.
Pls Ange rotate for god’s sake
Our fanbase (especially the stupid twitter fans) always find a scapegoat this season, first Brennan now Kulu both are being thrown under the bus for no reason, they may have bad games but it doesn't mean that they are responsible for the whole team. I have said this so many times and I will say it again, Kulu needs to be put in midfield with Madders and Sarr/Bentancur
Do 100% agree, Richi was the scapegoat first, then Johnson now Kulu. Kulu is not a bad player who ‘deserves’ to be dropped Lmao. He’s simply going through a bad patch at the moment and the problem with our fan base is that there’s a difference between critiquing players and just finding the tiniest of excuses to ram down their throat. Not saying it happens here but critiquing a player is fine like he’s not had the best couple months but saying this bollocks like his times up and he’ll be sent on loan next season for being a useless player is just so weird. Fans can get so riled up sometimes to the point it just gets really offensive hence why the reason Johnson turned off comments on his Instagram or Sanchez last season getting booed to oblivion and was visibly upset. Just think this fanbase need to suppress their anger sometimes and realise it’s not that deep
Really? I feel Kulu been a scapegoat all season for Spurs fans.
He has a home here until he doesn’t want one. Just that simple.
I LOVE this: But this is an abomination:
Honestly, after some thoughts I am not too fussed about us getting UCL football because I desperately need us to win a trophy and as much as I would love us to get UCL, I wouldn't be too sad if we didn't and we get Europa League because we would have a much higher chance of winning Europa League than UCL
Translation: "Ladies and gentlemen, the big whore took us"
Based on meaning it translates to " Ladies and gentlemen, we are fucked."
the shops
how did you forget Ethan Macarroni?
Ethan Miller (England) 80/94
How did you forget to include England that’s literally where this meme originated from 😂
We have been playing better with DDR lol.Not to mention this team will only get better as we buy players that fit the new system
Closest relative is Finnish but none are really that similar.
Hungarian is an Uralic language and it is related to Finnish and Estonian. There’s also other languages that aren’t spoken to a high level like Sami, Khanty and Mari
Sorry oh boss nor vess 😅 I dey joke 🤝
Tipped for greatness and injuries have absolutely ruined his progress, feel so sorry for Sess, wish him a speedy recovery and praying whether it’s us or not, he fulfils that potential we all saw in his fulham days
If Southgate was to get sacked then I’d love Mourinho or even Klopp to manage England
I think he would be a fantastic international coach as his style of football is designed for a cup run hence why he hasn't won a league title in almost 10 years and why all of his trophies have been in cups however he said he doesn't want to do that just yet I think we could see him at Chelsea if Poch gets sacked as Boehly is clueless and would do it to appease the fans although tbf he would get them drilled and working for the rest of the season but would not be a long term option. If he does go to Chelsea it will be a season and a half max until he gets sacked purely because he can't sustain it over the course of a league season anymore. Bayern Munich is a potential option for next season after Tuchel leaves. I do think that due to Jose reputation of a "winning" manager and because he is a household name means that he will always seem attractive to big clubs and he won't go to a "lower" team in any league because he still thinks he is the best manager in the world even though he is far from it. He will only go to teams that are challenging for Europe Saudi is also an option but in my opinion very unlikely because as I said, Jose still thinks he is the best manager in the world. I have no clue which team in Saudi he could even go to though coz I don't give two shits about the Saudi league to be perfectly honest
Makes 0 sense for Bayern
Bet she bad
Poch. You lost a Champions League final, League Cup final, FA Cup semi final, League Cup semi final, qualified for UCL 4 seasons in a row and had the 3rd highest points accumulated from 2015/16-2018/19. With allll that, you managed to win 0 trophies in that time span with Man City winning 7 trophies (2 Pl titles), Liverpool winning UCL, Chelsea winning 3 trophies (1 PL title), Man Utd winning 4 trophies, and Arsenal winning 3 trophies. I don’t wanna hate, but it doesn’t always work the way you’re saying.
the romans colonized the Kingdom of Dacia and that Dacian population of paleo-balkanic origin adopted the vulgar latin language which became Romanian over time
Cant play luton every week lad 😴😴
Give him penalty or he retires
Bro fot negative rizz 🔥🤟 no skibidi gyatt fr 💯💀 Give me penalty or I retire 🚑😱😭
Palmer when it matters
Summer transfer window targets and to be sold (all off the top of my head): A midfielder (someone suited to play in Bissouma role or the 8 something like that with Hojbjerg unfortunately leaving) A CAM, someone to play in the 10 as back up/rotation with Madders due to European football, I love Lo Celso but the guy is injured more than he is match fit so he will probs be sold. If Ange thinks Devine is ready maybe him or someone else to back up Madders I see us signing Werner meaning we won’t go for another winger, if we don’t sign Werner then we will probs go for Pedro Neto or it may be good to see the youth be given the chance at least in pre season No striker because I truly believe Son in the 9 is the way both for player and club A centre back unless Ange chooses that Rodon (who has done well at Leeds tbf) is a good back up and if he wants to integrate Ashley Phillips A back up Keeper purely because Forster will probs leave or retire the following season and buying when we really do need a keeper will just raise the price even more Maybe a LB? Davies has been great when called upon at CB or LB but to play this type of football we do need a LB who is faster and more attacking/forward thinking and Sess will go Bournemouth Alex Scott and loan him back to them. We need him, a proper Spurs boy at heart and can play in the 8 or the 10 or even as a creative Winger in Kulu role if you need him to as he did that a little bit at Bristol but he is best in the 10 or 8. Donley, Yago Santiago, Ashley Phillips, Dorrington, Lankshear etc. are all really talented and I hope that we do either integrate them or loan them with the thought of putting them in the first team after getting experience, I hope we are not just loaning out players for the sake of it. Scarlett, I have no idea what Ange plans are for him especially with Son, Richy and Veliz all ahead of him for the 9, Ange is said to be a big fan of Scarlett so maybe try and train Scarlett as a winger? coz I see him having more success there than at ST Parrott, no clue what will happen, has done well in Eredivise, might make a permanent move away. A lot of our youth who can’t get minutes move to Sunderland so I wouldn’t put it past them to sign him especially as they need a ST Sessegnon, will probs gets sold, always injured and 3 or 4 years ago, he would have been amazing in this inverted LB role but he just ain’t it anymore. Bryan Gil, got no fucking clue Reguilon, a shame to see how the transfer has aged, not entirely his fault, he was good for us but mainly down to change in position and manager which is why he failed. Could be given a second chance as an inverted LB maybe? Probs will be sold though
dislike the shit out of this lol it just shows that I am right and your nasty ego cannot stand being exposes you Fucking Lowlife
This is called Ignorance and delusion, happens when we forget who we are and turn to shit like a this because we are so fucking empty and lost. Please see this and change your life bud
64/80 more realistic
I woke up because someone was playing Tacata loud in his car ffs
Much higher OVR and POT than CB that is a starter in Barca... come on EAFC 🙄
He can’t use that as an excuse anymore tbr
Random note: I don't know what it is with Poch, but ever since 2019 he's been a changed man, and not for the better. Ever since 2019, he's seemed to be less direct in answering questions, manage with less passion, not put as much faith in the youth, no longer relentlessly attacking teams like he used to. I feel if Poch from 2017 saw himself of today, he would be appalled of the guy he's become. Something about that Spurs job seemed to really drain the life out of Poch particularly in the end. Then again it isn't easy constantly overachieving with a Spurs squad that had little investment into improvement, not to mention meanwhile Pep at Man City, Klopp at Liverpool got backed with an upper hierarchy that had ambitions of building up into title challenging teams and Poch's Spurs people just wanted top 4 every year.
Controversial opinion, but I’d be a bit frustrated if I was Donley, Lankshear, Tyrese Hall, Dorrington etc when the likes of Miley, Mainoo are playing 45-90 min games. I understand that it’s a question of who would he push out the squad but we have wasted talent over the years purely by not giving them a chance. Just think what’s the harm in giving them a debut to really test the waters. Donley shone with 4 assists today, that is bloody insane at youth level, he’s levels above and really do think he should get 30mins not a 5min debut that’s bollocks to me. Think the thing that annoyed me was the likes of Dorrington or Phillips not being given a chance and Emerson was the nod forward, not to discredit Emerson doe playing really well but just felt it was a bit of a slap to the face, if everyone’s raving about them then why not just give them a chance. Another big issue for us has defiantly not been developing and addressing the youth situation at our club. So many players round the country who have been given chances at youth and are shining now: Billy Gilmour, Mainoo, Oscar Bobb, Miley, Rico Lewis.
I hope everyone's mother is well
Yeah, I can see it!!
Today when I walked into my economics class I saw something I dread every time I close my eyes. Someone had brought their new gaming laptop to class. The Forklift he used to bring it was still running idle at the back. I started sweating as I sat down and gazed over at the 700lb beast that was his laptop. He had already reinforced his desk with steel support beams and was in the process of finding an outlet for a power cable thicker than Amy Schumer’s thigh. I start shaking. I keep telling myself I’m going to be alright and that there’s nothing to worry about. He somehow finds a fucking outlet. Tears are running down my cheeks as I send my last texts to my family saying I love them. The teacher starts the lecture, and the student turns his laptop on. The colored lights on his RGB Backlit keyboard flare to life like a nuclear flash, and a deep humming fills my ears and shakes my very soul. The entire city power grid goes dark. The classroom begins to shake as the massive fans begin to spin. In mere seconds my world has gone from vibrant life to a dark, earth-shattering void where my body is getting torn apart by the 150mph gale force winds and the 500-decibel groan of the cooling fans. As my body finally surrenders, I weep, as my school and my city go under. I hate gaming laptops.
Hojlund needs competition. Martial has collected a paycheque and done nothing his entire Man Utd career. We should have sold Martial about 8 years ago. I’ll be glad when we get rid of him. A backup striker with the ability to take Hojlunds spot should the situation arises would be a wise decision.
Seriously, have Sarr and Son run a train on one of the EA editors daughters? Its actually criminal how Son isn't at least 88 and Sarr defo deserves 79 or 80 at least
she looks cute..