Ecuador pumping out talents like it's nothing, yet Colombia a country that's quadruple the size and quadruple the population still haven't replaced Falcao, James, Cuadrado etc I'm so jealous.
This is incredible !! Congrats Bologna will be fun to see you in the UCL next year !!
The team i rooted for has been a mid-table team fighting for relegation for as long as I can remember, but now it's different. Before this season started I was hoping that we would manage to get a spot in the Conference League, I NEVER thought that this team would manage to play in the Champions League, but they did it. After 60 years we will be playing the highest level of European competitions, so for now I'll just enjoy the moment. FORZA BOLOGNA SEMPRE!!
My uncle lives there it’s a beautiful small city
I hope everyone stays, too, because none of them have European experience and playing some European football without pressure in Bologna could help them developing consciousness of their qualities and gain even more skills. Anyway, you said you have bolognese origin: from where, in particular? I'm from Bologna too even if lots of my comment are registered from Netherland: my work place uses server from there even if we are in the suburbs of Modena
First of all, it's nice to see you used correctly an Italian phrase. It's reasonable to think that Bologna is going to sell few players this summer: I think Zirkzee will leave at 90%, probably also Ferguson, and I believe that if Calafiori continues in this way probably he will leave too. Also, Motta haven't renewed his contract up to now, and nobody knows if and when he will renew. But the project of Bologna is actually based on the mindset and the environment itself, and not on players/coaches: this is the diktat of our president, Saputo, and our directors Sartori and Di Vaio. So, surely this summer someone will leave, but I'm sure that we will continue to purchase players and build the system Saputo wanted to build when he acquired Bologna. We are trying to build a strong reality with the possibility to reach Europe year after year, just like Atalanta did during Sartori's reign. So, to me, we can stay calm and live easy since the idea of continuing this season is strong and strong built
Well, here in Italy people actually talks about Bologna and what we are doing. But just like every other fable that happens here in Italy, people outside the real fan base tend to paint the situation like it exists only in relation to something: wow Motta is a phenomenon, imagine how he will perform in "insert big team here"; Zirkzee is class, imagine how he will perform in "insert big team here"; Ferguson is such a great midfielder, imagine how he will perform in "insert big team here". We are masters both in reducing fable like this and magnifying others. It's a little bit sad. But you know what, that's not bad after all. I support Bologna since I was 5, and just like thousands of others fans I lived lots of bad moments of my team, the Porcedda era, the Zanetti era, the Guaraldi era, the Tacopina era, historical moments where our only goal was to survive. Hopping on the wagon today is easy since things are doing good, so that only few are speaking of this team and its results is not that bad. It makes me feel that only the historical fans are righteously celebrating the results
Arsenal have comparable domestic prestige to Inters in Serie A. They only objectively have Liverpool and United above them, while Inter is also top 3 domestically where the position is a bit more arguable. But we can say both are easily top 3 in their countries. Inter is simply bigger tho because they have more international success (3 CLs to 0 being the most obvious thing and where the gap is made), way more legendary squads, ballon d'or winners and overall recognizable icons through all their history. Arsenal is only ahead in commercial aspect and that is somewhere they can credit their league and not themselves. That is the same criteria even Spurs could use and we know how ridiculous it is. You don't have to be a Serie A fan to realize Inter is the bigger and more prestigious club. On my personal ranking I would say Inter is more comparable to United than Arsenal and the only English club that is bigger on most parameters is Liverpool.
And they got bashed by the New Zeland government and some citizens for inappropriate culture appropriation 😂
Cant decide on which of these 4 is lamer 1. Bilan marketing team being jealous of Kanye going to Inters CL match 2. Their collaboration with Hello Kitty 3. The hakka dance 4. Or the fact that they removed the first one from their social media due to getting call out for being lame
Think the highlight performances of the match were Barella and Bastoni for me. Barella dominated that midfield and made very little mistakes, probably my man of the match. On the other hand Bastoni is a breath of fresh air. For many years now it has been rather worrying that Italy haven’t had many young Italian prospects in defence that you think “this fella is going to be one of the best in the world” however Bastoni looks like he could be. Nice to see Overall was a decent match, going to be a very tense second leg
still crazy to me that people think benzema is that close to us. literally impossible unless he accepts getting paid with monopoly money
Unpopular opinion: Devrij>Acerbi
Anyway it’s crazy how in Italy nobody speaks about football. The main theme is always the referees. That’s why Serie A and the NT are shit. I’ve never seen a fury like these days and this new “Marotta league” movement is comparable to the flat-earthers theories. We are tired of this shit, be honest with the analysis or don’t open your fucking mouth if not to speak about football.
Basta gufare porcamadonna
We should try and sign this guy, he's wasted at Udine They would rather play some random finished 35 y/o from Latvia than him
U guys are just insane at this point
I will do my overall rank from what i’ve seen and I will put their specialty into bracket. 1. Inter (Attendance, Loyalty I guess.. they were filling stadiums during the banter era) 2. Milan (Choreos, best chants, away attendance) 2. Roma (Fan culture, shouting & crying for fouls, crazy ultra group, noise) 4. Napoli (Fan culture, loyalty, hating Juve) 5. Fiorentina (Noise, hating Juve but sell them their best players lol) 6. Juventus (Noise i guess.. their stadium is often dead and I feel like the Juve fans I’ve met are not as passionate as the fanbases above. They are the most popular but that’s about it i’d say) 7. Lazio (Noise and Nazis) Honourable mentions • Lecce, Salernitana, Torino (noise and it’s hard to play against them in their home because the crowd pushes them. Salernitana has been dull this season but they will pick up) Dishonourble mentions • Sassuolo (Dead, 0 fans, plastic team), Udinese, and maybe Empoli. Verona and Cagliari fans are loud and passionate as well but they can be racist and that’s an embarrassment for serie A. I would trade them for Bari, Sampdoria or Parma (SerieA heritage clubs; Bari fanbase is HUGE and deserves SerieA)
Orgasmic 🥵💦🖤💙 this is football !!!
love inzaghi proper manager
l'80 di rating di thuram è assolutamente troppo basso, ora come ora almeno 84 dovrebbe avere
I miss our bro Nel Percorso
"This guy can be Limone or can be Demone" semicit.
I don't know if I've ever seen my Inter playing such beautiful football and with this confidence. There's nothing tragic or epic about this team, we are just been that good in the past year or so. Limone really did a wonderful job, we are playing some of the best football in the world right now
We want to preserve Arna. We don't care if Sanchez gets injured
he's a water type pokemon
Well, GG lol
If we signed any referees, it was surely on a free transfer
I think I'm gonna say Thuram honestly. I feel like the dude has been making a huge impact every game or so.
Boring ass game
Allegri should be arrested for terrorism tbh
Sorry I shoulda probably mentioned in the future after hakan or if he had to be sold Mb mb
Always makes me really happy watching DiMarco doing his thing these days and thinking back to when he was a small and weak 17 year old with a glimmer of top talent, or when he was a 22 year old who looked like might never make his mark at top level.
Se parli dell'errore di ieri sera o delle sue performance non incredibili con l'Italia, la risposta è molto semplice: gioca in un ruolo non suo, che non ha mai fatto. Bastoni è un ragazzo di 24 anni che ha sempre e solo giocato come braccetto sinistro in una difesa a 3, che è un ruolo completamente diverso rispetto ad un normale centrale di difesa a 4. Nel suo ruolo è probabilmente il migliore in circolazione, per via dell'impostazione, della sua tecnica, visione, passaggi, dribling, inserimenti, cavalcate e in generale la capacità con la palla. nell'uno contro uno è molto bravo e molto fisico, ma il posizionamento difensivo non è tra le sue armi migliori assolutamente...per questo non può, al momento (ammesso che non impari in futuro), giocare centrale in una difesa a 4. Non ha proprio i movimenti ed i fondamentali. Dovesse giocare in una difesa a 4 lo vedrei molto più utile come terzino sinistro alla Facchetti o Maldini (sto citando giocatori che erano grossi fisicamente e più abili nell'allungo piuttosto che nel breve) visto che ormai i terzini sono tutti più "piccoli" e agili E poi non è che siamo noi che lo "valutiamo" tanto. E' il mondo del calcio...basta vederlo giocare... Ti ricordo che su Transfermarkt ha un valore di 60M ed è pur sempre un difensore... credo ce ne siamo giusto 3-4 che valgono più di lui al mondo (Premier League docet...)
At least Mario knows he's just an idiot, Ibra's godlike persona is just embarrassing
He was a creative player who could create something out of nothing. Judging all players by goals scored shows you dont know anything about football. Creative players have always been regarded as the best up until recently, it's like people don't even watch the sport anymore.
real men fear bologna, not milan and juve
so EA updated and upgraded everyone but they forgot him??💀 82/86
It's a shame that Inter doesn't play on my birthday (that would be a fantastic gift) but hey, today I'm not here to talk about football, today I'm here to thank, to be thankful that these beautiful people who are on this page listen to me and read what I always have to say or think about this club, which I love and like so much, I have no words to thank today as I celebrate another year of being integrated into this community and I thank all of you who are unintentionally reading all this, although Be it my birthday, the only gift I can give you is that I wish you to end this year in the best way, and that the inter can win everything, take care of yourselves
He’s hella bad
72/76 at best
He's mid.
You never said any of this lmao. I'm not asking for Inzaghi to be sacked, I'm not calling him mediocre, I'm not saying Pioli is better.
Solo il tuo nome e immagine di profilo è un insulto a lui, ai tifosi e a questa pagina. Per di più un modo di insultare molto immaturo.
🚨 Less Crement Express article alert: There's a couple of things I'm not liking about Inzaghi's management recently. Te main thing has to do with his rotations / lineups. Limone likes to have a preset amount of minutes / rest which each player is supposed to get in every 1 game or 2 game week. In itself it isn't a bad thing at all, it's good to give the starters some rest and to make everyone feel involved and happy with their minutes. But sometimes he becomes too fixated with giving each player a proportionate amount of game time, and he follows his rotation pattern even when playing games that would tactically be a better fit for a different starter. The most blatant example is the continuous alternation of Dzeko and Lukaku last season. Limone was clearly operating without giving any importance to the type of opponent we were facing. As for this season, two examples that come to mind are starting Arnautovic vs Sociedad instead of starting him against Empoli, and starting Pavard against Salernitana instead of starting him against Sassuolo. I understand that his philosophy is "we are strong enough to just focus on ourselves and impose our game on whichever opponent we face, there's no need to adapt and risk messing with the flow of our team". He's a different coash from the Allegris and Mourinhos of this world, he's more of a Guardiola, and I like that about him, also cause I do believe that our team is strong and can afford to have that approach. That being said, that doesn't need to be a dogma to be followed in every single detail, and it's always better to find some sort of balance. Starting Lukaku vs City, or starting Thuram vs Sociedad, or starting Pavard vs Sassuolo would not have noticeably messed with our flow. Limone needs to stop being so obsessive over idealized game time distribution and needs to focus a little bit more on countering our opponents' strengths and game plans. Once he does that, he'll be an even better coach. The second thing I wanted to say is WHY TF IS THURAM PLAYING HALF IF NOT MOST OF HIS MINUTES ON THE RIGHT SIDE? If it wasn't already clear before that he is more dangerous when playing on the left side, surely it is now after looking at the derby goal and the Salernitana assist? Why are we wasting precious minutes every game by having him play at half his potential in the wrong position? Lautaro is only barely worse on the right side than he is on the left, so let's stop shooting us in the foot please.
He really is Salernitana man ffs
Nono, io onestamente lo ritengo un potenziale giocatore forte. Ha la combinazione di fisicità, tecnica di passaggio e visione di gioco per fare il regista moderno, e su questa collina gioiosamente morirò
Yes, and I'm sure he will be. But I guess it makes sense for Inzaghi to still use Darmian while he's playing well. When both are equally rested Pavard should be preferred tho, that's clear. Hence, he should have started against Sassuolo. Even from a tactical stand point of view we needed Pavard more against Sassuolo than we needed him today.
Tutte le volte che ti impegni a rispondere a sta gente ricordati che: - la rosa del Milan è più forte di quella dell'Inter - Pioli è migliore di Inzaghi - il calcio del Milan è più bello e giocano meglio dell'Inter - il calcio del Milan è "più Europeo" di quello dell'Inter - perdono contro di noi perchè l'Inter ha l'esatto modo di giocare che è la loro kryptonite Mi fermo qua, ma già questo basta per capire il delirio e l'inutilità di parlare co sta gente. Poi questo qua in primis è proprio di un altro mondo, inutile spiegargli qualcosa...non entra.
Discorso di una bassezza intellettuale imbarazzante. "Le belle prestazioni le avete fatte contro le squadre che stupidamente si concedono a voi come vittime sacrificali", insomma stai dicendo che quasi tutte le squadre della Serie A decidono di regalarci punti a caso, visto che di prestazioni convincenti ne facciamo parecchie. Un complotto insomma. "Inzaghi ha un solo modo di giocare", procede ad elencarne due 😂 Che poi se e' un allenatore specializzato in quel modulo esattamente che cazzo ti aspetti? Se l'avversario e' basso passiamo dagli esterni, se e' alto proviamo l'imbucata per le punte, praticamente hai descritto l'ABC del calcio. Vai piu' nel dettaglio se ci riesci, offri qualche alternativa, dai. Che poi il bello e' che sei qui a dire che Inzaghi e' prevedibile (nonostante i gol all'Inter siano sempre ben distribuiti fra i vari giocatori e si vengano a creare da varie zone del campo con fraseggi creativi) e magari pure in difesa di Pioli, aka "Mr. Palla a Leao". Poi va be, il paragone con Mourinho e' la ciliegina sulla torta. Cioe' l'Inter gioca il calcio piu' bello in Italia ottenendo anche buoni risultati ed essendo a volte dominante, e tu la paragoni alla Roma di Mourinho che e' la cosa piu' inguardabile su sta terra. Roba da matti. Ah ed il "tabellone piu' semplice di sempre" includeva il Barcellona che poi ha vinto la Liga. Insomma proprio non ci azzecchi. Sarebbe stato molto piu' semplice avere un girone come il vostro e poi affrontare nulla piu' di un Tottenham scandaloso.
La grande "societa' seria" che e' il Milan continua ad aver una squadra peggiore della nostra nonostante ci abbia investito di piu' negli ultimi anni. E per "ultimi anni" uno puo' intendere (soprattutto) il periodo post-covid, man anche da quando Elliott ha preso il Milan a oggi, o da quando Suning ha preso l'Inter a oggi. A te la scelta. Un conto e' criticare le scelte finanziarie della nostra dirigenza, un altro e' criticare quelle tecniche. perche' bisogna essere alquanto stupidi o disonesti per farlo. Inzaghi ha fatto qualche scelta discutibile nelle ultime 3 partite, sono d'accordo, ma abbiamo comunque iniziato bene la stagione e facciamo un calcio che ha gia dimostrato il proprio potenziale con le prestazioni contro Fiorentina e Milan. Se credi che fare prestazioni di quel genere sia scontato e dovuto solo ai giocatori non ci capisci una cippa. Inzaghi avra' i sui difetti ma ci fa giocare bene, e non avra' ancora brillato in campionato ma nel complesso ha fatto molto bene da quando e' all'Inter, visto che in tutte le altre competizioni si merita un 10 in pagella. Cominciare a sparlare dell'allenatore che ha ottenuto cosi' tanto e che ci fa giocare in questo modo alla prima difficolta' e' un segnale di malafede, punto. Cioe' cosa dovremmo aspettarci, di vincere tutte le partite? Bisogna restare calmi, fiduciosi, e cercare di mantenere il livello che sappiamo di avere.
His face sits very comfortably, yes
Sei onesto nel senso che esprimi il tuo parere. Non parlare come se essere onesto significasse dire la verità assoluta dei fatti, perchè nessuno è d'accordo con te.
fra non te lo volevo dire così direttamente ma non ti stiamo cagando proprio se ti piace delirare su pioli inizia a tifare milan
Se non facesse degli errori sarebbe l'allenatore piu' forte della storia. Forse abbassa un po le tue aspettative. Il Milan ha auto il culo di essere in mano ad un proprietario Americano e non Cinese ai tempi del covid. Grazie al cazzo che hanno una realta' finanziaria piu' futuribile. Noi finche' non avremo un proprietario che abbia soldi propri e che sia disposto ad investirli (anziche' farci pagare decine di milioni in interessi per vari prestiti) non potremo mai esprimere il nostro pieno potenziale.