dat boi

Hilarious how wrong you are
I see in the Porto squad better plsyers in his position, thsts why basically Eustaquio lost his spot in the first 11. Johnston i cant judge really but didnt Ralston started alot of games in position at Celtic lately? Both looked good at the world cup but i dont like that as measuring stick, because playing for the national team is mostly abit different. I could be wrong but am not sold on them.
Never thought about this before, thank you
I was having a great day and then this popped in my TL https://s3a.sofifa.net/a76e494798c21ba8093e10830a0c35f4df281fc9.jpg
Arrogant American with a shit attitude, he’ll never become a top player
He may have turned into an instagram comment GIF, but he’s still my favourite signing in years
Felix Nmecha homophobia situation on steroids
this has to be a bot no way anyone wants to replace kobel
Is it too late to extend reus 🥺
78/81 deserves his Scotland call-up!
Live Fast, Dai Yongge.
Just signed Richie Laryea (confirmed) and Sam Adekugbe (almost confirmed) to be our wingbacks. Huge upgrade. Our team will look like this probably: Takaoka Laborda-Veselinovic-Blackmon Laryea-Vite-Cubas-Ahmed-Adekugbe Cordova-Gauld Actually looks pretty good. If Cordova's good last few games continues and he plays up to his salary then this starting XI could be MLS Cup quality. Just need more depth (in defence especially).
No essay today, I’m racing at provincials so I couldn’t watch the game
I can’t believe it we got Leipzig Sabitzer for 15m😭😭😭
He won't. By the end of the season he will be regarded as a disappointment by many considering his price tag. Screenshot this.
Dam, watching them pound Espana, never seen them up 5-0 before this is pretty fun. I feel like they're overachieving today but have under achieved so far this season, hopefully they'll start to get some results and turn this year around.
Signed Schöph, Tiebert drops to the bench. Now we need a stud CB and keeper
Bvb legend
Legend of the scenes
he only scores that many goals because Ajax is a good team, if he would play for Feyenoord or a team like that he would’ve scored not more than 7 goals this season
I Will personally bring him to dortmund by bike
we have a new sporting director who wants to bring in experienced players to guide the youngsters
From a massive club like West Ham where he played alongside all time greats like Mark Noble and Craig Dawson to playing with English Championship rejects like Jude Bellingham & Arsenal flops like Donyell Malen How the mighty have fallen 71/74
Raptors will be a little undersized with him and Freddie VanVleet on the floor but I'm sure they'll do well. Nick Nurse is a genius
and when they can't sign him, you'll hear how they were never in for him in the first place or he isn't Basque enough because he once shopped at a Mercedona instead of a co-op.
Fifa is really weird, he's the best keeper I've used in the game
you must be an internet explorer user
Lovely player. I like these kind of players who are kinda slowly improving and reaching their peak at 28-30. Looks like a fun guy out of the pitch too.
My starting 11 for FIFA 20 4-2-3-1 narrow Cavallini Reyna - Montero - Dajome In Beom - Janio Bikel Adnan - Gutierrez - Rose - Nerwinski Subs: Milinkovic, Teibert, Godoy/Ricketts I use Montero for left and right free kicks and pks while Adnan (86shot pwr) does long free kicks for me. Janio is rated one less overall than Teibert but is much more rapid. I also chose Rose over Godoy because I prefer Rose’s pace/dribbling over the better tackling ability of Godoy. P.S. using this team in general is miserable sometimes, Caps are 2 & 1/2 half stars and you will get matched up with 3 and 3 & 1/2 star teams like Club America, Cruz Azul etc. You will even get Tigres and Celtic who are 3 1/2 stars but are so stacked with sweaty wing players they play like 4 star teams. If you win though... chirpz 4 dayz : P