
But he’s fine with a betting sponsor Hypocrite much?
Thank you ! To many people think NT is just the addition of the best players on each line, which is really not the case. You need players that will play good together, back ups who are not bothered to play only few minutes, some who are here for the atmosphere, some to bring envy during trainings, etc..
I think he will join PSG to replace Mbappe. Thats a great move.
From Playing College Soccer To the World Cup Then became the first Canadian to play in Serie A and today he scored his first goal in Serie A. What a journey 😤now EA should do justice to his rating.
U are not alone in this war Slava Ukraine today and forever 🇺🇦💙🤍
It’s funny how garbage football discourse is nowadays. Every single bad action from a player scrutinized, every time a player has a bad game they’re called overrated or not good, etc. Meanwhile everyone’s goats (Messi, CR7, etc) all had terrible performances in big games throughout their careers but since this generation wasn’t around back then they think they were flawless every single game. Social media era of football for you 😂
congratulations! you were lobotomized enough to think that Barella was more important for the national team's success when Verratti made the assist for Barella's goal against Belgium, carried the whole midfield against Spain when Barella disappeared and made the assist in the final against England when Barella disappeared again being subbed off at the 55' minute basically, following your logic, we can say that Fabio Grosso was more important than Pirlo in the WC 2006 just because he scored the goal of his life against Germany without even mentioning the fact that Verratti had also higher tackles per game than Barella that is playing awful games in the national team for 3 years straight yes we can agree that both Verratti and SMS lacked of balls and they didnt have top players mentality but Barella lacks of balls too
It's quite funny but he reminds me of Stones when he arrived at City, intense in his duels, quite skilful with his feet and decisive at corners but with some huuge defensive errors at times... I think Beraldo is only going to improve over the next few years, so you have to be fairly indulgent with him. I hope he won't make a Kehrer by the way haha.
Les gens le critique parce que il a était mis en difficulté face au troisième meilleur buteur de la Champions League dans un grand Soir Mr Lewandowski,il vient tout juste d'arriver d'Amérique laisser le s'adapter c'est déjà bien qu'il face des bon match en championnat le reste attendra
en tant que supporter lyonnais je suis totalement d'accord, il était très talentueux et très fort à l'OL et on a réussi à le vendre très cher mais à cause de sa mentalité et de tottenham il n'a pas pu devenir un top milieu
Anyone who hates on him doesn't watch him, that's it
Nous l'adorent tous, peut-être si la France vas loin pendant l'euro et qu'il et décisif 82/91 ne serait plus de trop
J'adore Zaïre-Emery. Si ce n'est pas 82/91 alors 81/90 c'est pas mal
I wish the transfer values for young players were more realistic man, bro has a 100 million pricetag according to Benfica, 22m is fucking miles off the mark
Just signed a new contract until 2029, unlike Mbappé, I really think he may stay all his career at PSG
avatar So good movie from rmc
For all non french speaking people, Désiré means Desired and Doué means Talented, Gifted. I think with this name he was predestined haha
one of the best center backs of this generation!
One more time yesterday we saw one of the best game of this season from psg without mbappe . In our 5 best game 4 are without him
I think that most of the players are already fairly well rated, but some are underestimated or overestimated because of previous seasons; Donnarumma 87 is fair, could be 86 Navas 83 Tenas 75 Letellier 70 Nuno Mendes 84-85 depending on the end of the season Nhaga 65 L. Hernandez 86 Marquinhos 87 Danilo 81 Skriniar 80 Beraldo 78 Hakimi 86 Mukiele 80 Yoram Zague 66-69 Ugarte 80 Fabian 80 Vitinha 84 Zaire Emery 81 Soler 75 E. Mbappe 64 Kang in Lee 78 Mayulu 66 Kolo Muani 81 Barcola 81 Ramos 81/82 Asensio 82 ON loan : Xavi Simons 83-84 Moscardo 73 Kari 70 Ndour 70
This is going to be a very hot take, but Donnarumma shouldn’t be downgraded. That one bad game against Barça happens every now and then for everyone but you’re acting as if he makes mistakes every match. Are we going to dismiss how couple games back he was MOTM against Monaco and Marseille? Doesn’t help the fact that the defense was also guilty on all 3 goals against us in the first leg when we played against Barcelona.
Agree in all bar Gigio and Ugarte, they are both better. Donnarumma can be the best GK ITW sometimes, hes just not very good with his feet, and can get nervous in big games. Ugarte is a great DM, hes just not the type of midfielder Luis Enrique likes
I think Donnarumma’s rating should stay the same
I reallyyy want him in Paris, I hope an offer of 100/120 M would make Newcastle crack.
Have you seen your sponsors or are you daft?
Nooope Manuel still has plenty of room for improvement. He would be a good addition to the midfield rotation with Bruno G, Vitinha and Warren.
On the bus back Never felt better than I did when torp scored. Never felt lower than when it went in. But boy am I proud.
Ratings were lower in past FIFAs just to differ Messi and CR7 from the rest, which most would agree they were the best players by far. Now that they're past their prime and in a "human" level, ratings had an overall boost
Overrated, all he does is dribble 10 players And score. Can't even goalkeep properly. Creating 99 goal chances merchant. Amara Diane clear
Most will probably think of Mbappe and Dembele when they think back to this game, but Barcola was arguably the best player on the pitch from minute 1.
They could actually win something if they use the mbappe money right buy alot of youth talent and make the academy better insisted of buying hyped players that are older
what getting rid of two overpaid mercenaries does to a club 🤭
What a team, what a season we're having
avatar Any thoughts? (Ligue 1 TOTS)
Probably Marquinhos Mendes Lucas Beraldo Marquinhos
86/86 Il le mérite très régulier solide en défense où minimum 85/85 ce gars et un soldat
right now i do think he is overrated the way british media especially were talking about him was insane and undeserved acting like he was the second coming of christ or something (ofc other media were like this i mean he is at his peak one of the best in the world) but ig it was prem bias with how much the british media were meat riding him, i think hes an incredible player but sometimes he can be the worst player on the pitch by a country mile which i have seen happen more recently but on his day hes unstoppable especially when the whole team is playing its part which i feel city have lacked this year and why they aint running away with it
semi finals atleti vs psg, bayern vs man city
Yes seedorf is good comparaison maybe the best one but emery has less technical skils
I'm thinking the closest top player you could compare him to would be Seedorf, maybe? Average but stocky and very strong, powerful shot, very good and balanced game awareness, great workrate, superb football IQ too and pretty good technically though not worldclass. Honestly it's hard to find him glaring weaknesses, he's a very complete player and can do a little bit of everything. He's great defensively, a good tackler, runs a lot, has a strong shot, good passing (though his long passing is probably better than his ground passes). Maybe his only weakness is that he isn't a very incisive passer offensively, but that's about it.
Really good draw. Barcelona in quarter and Atleti/Dortmund in semi final is more or less the best draw we could obtain. Of course, any team can beat any team as we saw with Inter elimination, so any opponents will have to be respected and taken seriously. That could really be our year despite being in a season of transition with Mbappe leading us to the title and leaving as a legend. He'll definitely be hungry to do well. Funny fact but if we go to the end, we could face all spanish teams. 1/8 San Sebastian, 1/4 Barcelona, 1/2 Atletico Madrid, and final Real Madrid.
When Beraldo appeared at EAFC, I thought he had a very underrated overall. Naturally, playing in Brazil, he had very good defensive quality, forming one of the strongest and if not the fastest defender pairings in the Brasileirão alongside Robert Arboleda. PSG made a great signing and I believe he will be one of the best defenders in the world at some point in his career. And in my mind, I believe he should have appeared in the game, with an Overeall 76/85. I believe that by the end of this season or at the start of EA FC 25, an Over of 81/88, at least. Just for the record, below is a photo of what for me was the symbol of his season in the Brasileirão. Suarez was the best player in the Brasileirão of the year 2023, scoring 29 goals with the Gremio shirt, 17 goals in the Brasileirão, 11 assists in matches in 33 games. He was the most Dangerous player in almost every game. Below is a photo of one of the only games in which Suarez couldn't do anything, because a 19-year-old boy canceled him out.
No team in the world can compete with this performance wise Maybe result wise but definitely not performance wise. And its definitely not just the oil money and supposed ffp breaches that got them this far The only teams throughout recent history (2009-now) that are capable of doing so would be the prime bayern sides and the prime barca sides. Madrid prime will maybe win but not better performance.
Canadians are really kind people. Not a single cuss word
totally agree with you bro. Even the top players still undervalued, and what more cases me amazement is the release clausule, which is absolutely underrated. his RC is in the edge of 120m
Yeah this really bugs me as in career mode these players always leave for smaller clubs. EA don’t put potential into perspective and low rated players with high POT like Zaïre-Emery, Rico Lewis etc. always end up playing for shit teams like Almería or Augsburg.
Not at all. Now they know he is leaving. They are not forced to let him play a full game and respect his whim.. when he is bad now he will go on the bench. And mbappe this season is really bad. He has stats but he is really bad. His worst season at psg by far He is not their best player. He is their best scorer it s different. In fact psg is playing much better without him. The 2 best game of psg this year are psg om et psg lille when he wasn t playing... I live in Paris and people here are more than happy to see him go. They even wanted the club to sell him last summer.
Manque de respect pour ses coéquipiers et pour le club. A quel moment tu vas en tribune quand tu es remplacer. Pour moi, il ne doit plus porter le maillot du PSG jusqu'à la fin de saison. Bon courage au Real Madrid car vous allez récupérer un melons plus gros qu'une montgolfière. Déçu de son comportement
I couldn't imagine going out on the pitch, much less into a CL match after losing my ma. I really hope he goes far and makes her the proudest mother in heaven ♥
Underrated bro been giving decent performances for Liverpool whenever Liverpool needed him he should be a starter for a club
This guy can't stay in Liverpool, Allison is shadowing him and I think it isn't right to keep him on the bench, he needs a big life move after this season. Bro showed that he is reliable anywhere he goes, and he kept a clean sheet!
Fulham's youth team alone has: Luc de Fougerolles Matt Dibley-Dias Jelani McCoy-Splatt Luciano D'Auria-Henry Generational naming talent
Really good on the ball, and amazing defender. One of the best among the new gen of Canadian talents
Unbelievable good player, amazing talent. PSG is so luck to have her
Neymar was sold for €90m. Messi is 35 years old. And Mbappé gave up €100M in bonuses and he still hasn't signed for Real Madrid.
Luis Enrique sees him as the only player in the squad able to perform the complex instructions for the RB position usually made by Hakimi. Another token of the brillance of WZE and how high he is esteemed by Luis Enrique. PSG backline becomes 3 during offensive phases and he acts as a hybrid right midfielder/winger to combine with the right midfield and the right winger via triangles. I still feel it throttles his impact as he gets less freedom to carry the ball from the midfield. PSG needs another RB next summer to avoid this workaround when Hakimi needs rest as Mukiele is not seen by Luis Enrique as capable to fulfill this tactical role.
A bit of everyone's to blame but mainly the board. Definitely. As someone answered you before they really lack of patience when it's about long term results and don't understand that football takes time. But they also made some really bad choices, whether about the coaches (Galtier wasn't supposed to coach a team like PSG, several coaches were fired too soon) or about the players that either weren't good enough to play here (Florenzi, Bakker, Kehrer) or that wouldn't fit how we play (Ekitike, Paredes). I'm not even talking about the deadwood that the board can't get rid of (Kurzawa, Draxler, Renato Sanches, Dagba).
PSG type of sign
Kick one of the best fullbacks itw into a tantrum that made him leave Manchester City on the last day of the january window, youngest player ever to score as a starter in a UCL match while being a defender, understanding Pep's ideas better from the academy than players with whole professional careers and years of experience under Pep, already a strong contender in 3 different positions for the best team in Europe. Have you been living under a rock to ask that?