those would've been sideways moves. he was prob hoping for a top 6 side but realistically he just was never good enough for that
He is #NotGood
Everybody will blame him for missing the penalty, he didn't miss. His shot was good, but our goalkeeper predicted his shot. In 2016 our country lost in penalties to Portugal and it was very similar situation, we didn't blame our player because we knew that goalkeeper just did a good job. But a lot of people will downvote me still for speaking the truth
Loved Mousa, one of my personal favorites ever. Thx, I'd take a deeper look into this guy
I agree. Sell Struijk before it's too late.
Archie Gray Thread⚪️🟡🔵
played well when he came on, looked hungry.
biesla over achieved with this team but they didnt invest now they are back t square one
80/85 downgrading someone for being injured is extremely stupid and unnecessary. He might comeback stronger he might comeback weaker but what’s the point of downgrading when you don’t know. There is no information on him for you to downgrade.
He have arguably been our best player since january. Was great coming back from injury playing against Cardiff and Accrington. Now he looks better and better for each game. Proved you wrong
A point is a point, as annoying as it is we have to appreciate that. Rn we just gotta hope Orta is doing his best to sell and pitch the squad and the project.
Tonight was massive mate. A lot of players proved themselves today and that'll really help our chances to get the best possible manager. If we got smashed tonight, like we have been before, we wouldn't get a sniff of a good manager and end up with Lampard.
It's not difficult, bin him immediately, he's an awful player that is nowhere near good enough for this level. Surely Leeds have a youth player in the academy that can play LB properly.
Perfect blend of chaos and control 😅
£20mil wasn’t agreed, it was what they offered. We never accepted any deal for Harrison
One is CDM, one is winger, why do compare those 2 lol. Bajcetic rating is not even that high
Leeds have quietly done some of the best business this entire season than most PL clubs. They've signed some amazing young talent and I really hope they stay up and grow as a team because of it.
i mean prem money is ridiculous but yh to call leeds a random club is ignorant
random PL club😂😂 shut the fuck up you glory hunter
what should we expect with Klich? From what i’ve seen he is a solid all round midfielder who isn’t afraid to shoot from range and likes to sneak into the top of the box for a cross, is that accurate?
u guys have a great young attacking core as well as in midfield ur defense is holding u back so much
not more, just better
i hope he is gonna have a big future ¿people what do you think?
Another great match today. It's a joy to watch him play, makes it looks so easy everytime he have the ball. And he is so explosive and quick in his movements he can tear up any defense
I thought he looked our best player by far whenever he's been on the pitch, he's young and has lots of talent so, if he doesn't injure himself again, I think he could deserve an 83+ rating by the end of the season
sign a proper LB and play Struijk in the center alongside Koch It was clear today that Spurs realized they could exploit that side, it wasn't even Struijk's fault really -- he and the rest of the defense were too tired. Perhaps signing a LB could mitigate some of that.
Great chant that fella.
Orta should be sacked before Marsch. There's no way he can get away with this. Never fully backed Bielsa in market. While he did bring Marsch some players but let many other important positions untouched.
Bad luck boys, honestly very well played, just missed that final piece, the best team lost this time round Impressed with post Bielsa Leeds so far
The English Morata
It is a dumb rule especially when u consider in the career mode there are indeed fifteen and sixteen year olds in the youth academy you can sign!
You've never even watched him so how would you know
Well Gelhardt has been doing good for 2 seasons now.
87 might be a little high, but he deffo deserves 85. He is a massive talent, and reminds me of a young rooney so much (obv not to the same level)
Aaronson at 74 is an actual crime
good documentary, i saw it while traveling to New York
Proper wide midfielder, exactly what England lack and need. Pathetic to not call him up.
You're honestly pretty pathetic. You're so obsessed with getting your agenda right that you're happy seeing your team lose. Nothing to say from you when Leeds beat Chelsea 3-0, and somehow you can back from your hidey hole after your team had a bad loss. Awful "fan".
Rodrigo is better in CAM but no not over Bamford. I would still play Dieng over Gelhardt
True that
more like leeds dnt wanna lose any more players
i’ve shouted plenty of abuse at him from the south stand but it was a love hate relationship
Leeds is a great club and institution, respect the letter they released thanking raphinha. Cheers mates
Xavi also wanted Raph badly alongside Dembele. I think we're gonna enjoy a lot. Thanks for letting him go.
No problem lad! Raphinha childhood dream is Barca so good luck with Jessie Marsch
Nice they can add me as source
Gorgeous new kit, way better than last season’s
Just play Darko Gyabi :D
Crazy how marsch miraculously kept Leeds up yet because he’s American he’s now a shit coach
that's Stormzys rètarded cousin, Windy
excellent responses bravo
Thank you, I admire your team too, for his history and I loved El Loco Bielsa too. Anyway yeah, we are basically looking for a strong midfielder (Renato Sanches is the main target but PSG is trying to buy him too), either a starter CB or (probably) a 3rd/4th choice CB as a sub because Romagnoli is leaving (we are gonna sign Acerbi probably). And after that we are looking for a CAM and a RW or a player that can do both and that's where the big part of the budget will go I think. I would love to have Berardi as a RW but no one in the last month spoke about him coming unfortunately. I don't know if Ziyech is just a rumour or an actual news, I don't know him very well but I think he could fit that position. We are not gonna buy a starter ST because we have Origi, Giroud and Ibra will come back in january, I think we will buy a top class ST next summer when probably Ibra retires and Giroud will be a little bit too old. We are good for RB with Calabria, Florenzi and Kalulu (he can play CB or RB), but we need a sub LB for Theo Hernandez, because Ballo-Toure showed he is not at a good level
Just think about how many weddings you’d have to host at your stadium to afford him 🤣🤣
its FACTS NOT FICTION my boy. @MAXLUFC, come school this lad.
Barca fan. These boys could not even pay decent amounts for our Players, Fabregas, Hleb, Overmars. They still owe us money today!!! Thats why Arsenal only deals with Real Madrid. Even historically, Madrid at least gave us Júlio Baptista we gave them Jose Antonio Reyes. They Gave us Ceballos, Odegaard, Ozil top top players at a fair rate. Barcelona Even wanted to rob us in the Alexis Sanchez deal inserting a buy back clause. Just Imagine.
He's Porto's best player for sure, I'd say 50M€ because of age
dont worry with these fools my brother raphi is fuckin class
Not rlly, City is quite the best academy in England rn, champions in all categories. Palmer and McAtee are fairly rated by City fans and underrated anywhere else, much better than Garnacho for example
It's most certainly Barcelona can't afford him though I could imagine 4 or 5 teams willing to pay that.
leeds seriously interested, would be very happy with him