But but but but Jackson is the next Drogba...But but but but Gallagher is better than Rice...But but but but Enzo is a World Cup winner...but but but we stole Mudryk off Arsenal. You see I'd feel bad but you lot are so thick and deluded in the head it's really hard to. Chelshit plastic club deserve every shit result that comes their way. Bunch of fucking losers :V
Not my name. Try again Isaiah.
PSG is already a bigger and better UCL club than this club. Never been a top club and scammed their way to 2 UCLs. Two of the worst UCL wins of all time.
You lot should have nothing to complain about for your club next 5-6 years. Already somehow got extremely lucky with 2 UCL trophies in the past decade or so. Thats immense.
1)Got rid of tuchel aka world-class coach to hire an English blockhead with no vision...bahahahah clown shit 2)Overpaying for players not worth half the cash...city n arsenal laughing at you...bahahahaha clown shit. 3)Thinking individual players can build a team? you build a team first then add individual talent that fits your team style of play and formation...bahahahaha clown shit. 4)Potter admits indirectly that they are just buying random players because another team was scouting them... QUOTE: cucurella they bought because city wanted him babhahahaha clown shit. 5) I could go on and on and on with chelshit clown shit...bahahahahahahaha loosers ...stop stealing other ppl hard work... now you all paying for it.
Perfect clown team for a clown like this. Red card to go with his red clown nose. He wouldn't keep us waiting. He wanted to immediately remind us what an overrated git he was. Unfit for the top league from the jump, he could have never been anything else but a joke. Stay in the malaria leagues with tackles like that. Pure trash
“We”... who is we? Man get a life!
You lot are still going to be crying about the ratings. Be thankful
If Chelsea don't win the Prem or CL Tuchel should be sacked.
Christensen is such a beast, just wow
can you guys hand over mason mount please?
I'd sell my whole team to larger teams than Chelsea like Norwich and West Brom, liquidate the club and shame Abrahamovic for trying to buy and improve such a tiny club.