
Imagine being 28 years old player from Finland, who played whole career in random Scandinavian teams, and then you left just a year ago to join MLS team and now you playing with Messi and score two bangers and even assist in Alba-style to Messi... man is living his dreams.😁
He shall be missed
Sad to see him go. Of all places to go, I never thought he’d go abroad, but I was proved wrong. Absolute hero for the mighty Sky Blues, and got us so close to the premier league. Thanks for everything Vik, and good luck in the future.
Thats like saying Messi vs Aspas was legendary. Haaland is far too good, and in the best team. Will never be a battle
Havertz 83 OVR, Nunez 82 OVR, Isak 81 Overall. What's the reason for this? Is it because Isak isn't from a top footballing nation? Or is it because Newcastle/ Real Sociedad isn't considered as " Elite clubs"? Because it can certainly not be for footballing reasons as Isak is superior technically, intelligently & tactically
Need 90+ ball control & Dribbling
Na Wilson is very good don't get me wrong but isak is the better player and he hasn't even reached his peak yet, he's gonna be world class
Goncalo Guedes 81 OVR, Alex Isak 81 OVR.. this company have no clue about football
skin colour is the only similaritie between them
Joke of a upgrade as usual with the Newcastle editor. Useless +1s and +2s to stats. Far too cautious
+1 what a joke
how can you care about realism in a hypothetical scenario lmao he'd be on a plane to Madrid
There's only one explanation for the dribbling downgrade, and that's EA not wanting his OVR to increase.. The man glides on the pitch, 85 dribbling was too low
Why the dribbling downgrade?
He could have retired 5-6 years ago and still been one of the greatest strikers ever and one of the greatest players of this generation but he decided to keep going and even won another Serie A with AC Milan. He has cemented his legendary status. He has absolutely nothing left to prove.
Shocking amount of racism on this guy's page, hope he never sees this shit
83/87 so good on the ball
He reminds me of Benzema when Ronaldo was around, he brings so much to the game even when he is not scoring.
Baller. So elegant on the ball for his height.
82 rated at least
Hopefully he is smart enough to not move from Atalanta too early. He has to nail down a place in the first 11 and be consistent for a whole season and Atalanta is a good team in a top 5 league known for developing players. He seems to have a good mentality so I think he will do the right thing for his career. Maybe Denmark finally have a good striker?
It's a pity that we'll never see this quartet start together In a 4-2-3-1 - Isak- J.Karlsson - Forsberg - Kulusevski
Isak is finally playing in a attacking system and can show how complete he is. Still only 23 y.o, he's got at least another 10 years at this level Those who doubted Isak and called him "Overrated " because he only scored 6 league goals in 21/22 has been really quite lately. 7 PL goals in 624 minutes played ( 0.89 goals/match)
Dortmund did nothing with him.
Yeah he is a starter now xD 4 goals and 3 assist in like 130 minutes in the cup. Massive talent.
They have the most underrated players in the game
Much much better than people give him credit for. See above.
I appreciate you taking the time with all the flags and ratings. I just feel like a downgrade for Isak & Saint-Maximin is unfair as they haven't been able to contribute for fitness reasons. Joelinto should be 82 minimum imo, while back 4 + Pope could get +1 OVR more than you have given them. We do certainly have far too much deadwood, but it's a slow process, we'll need 2-3 summer windows to get two good players in every position
Isak has had a stop start season with unfortunate injuries but hes doing much better than given credit for. He participates in build up, is a threat on counters and can take defenders on by himself. His goal per 90 in the PL is currently 0.68. Some comparisons as of 13/03/23: Isak 0.68 Toney 0.65 Rashford 0.59 Mitrovic 0.54 Nunez 0.53 81/87 imo