Ligue 2 🔜
His dream is to play for Barca sorry Qatar Saint Germain.
This club is a disgrace
Griezmann to Atletico. And we will have a good amount of money in the summer. Camp Nou is open again and everything is back to normal. Our Wage Bill has been lowered by a lot like a LOT. It's even less than half of what it was before. Of course we won't have 500 millions to spend but we will have a modest sum of about 60 70 millions. Still better than nothing.
Biggest club in France.
Why is it always the coach fault when it come to PSG ? It was first the fault of Laurent Blanc, then the fault of Unai Emery, then the fault of Thomas Tuchel and now the fault of Mauricio Pochettino. The reality is that, since the Ancelotti era, PSG have 0 project. They're just buying anyone because they have the money to do so or buy big name players who don't even fit the team (while letting their academy talents go away). The people at fault are first Nasser and Leonardo because with the money and power PSG have, someone competent would have already done much better than this
https://s3a.sofifa.net/1991b2be0b5ec0dd4cdb50f366bf21940afad838.jpg https://s3a.sofifa.net/16cc922ec3c3c6cf71d4ca57ac9d268d58177ad4.jpg Spanish Verratti
I'm just saying the truth 🤷‍♂️ and the truth hurts sometimes.
y asi quieren ganar la champions
No, they call you plastic because half of you never heard of PSG before 2011.
75% of your fanbase came in after 2012. I BET MY HOUSE Arjun that you didn't give a ******* about PSG before QSI and Qatar just be honest 🤣 plastic indian. Just admit it
Barca can lose 60-0 agaisnt anyone every year and we would still be a bigger club than QSG🤣 same level as FC Metz even YOU can't deny it.
Just a Ligue 2 level team with hype and money. Nothing to see here, Same amount of UCL's as Sheriff and FC Metz.. smaller club than Eibar in my books....
I disagree, i've been to PSG stadium and many more, but there are way better fans than PSG's on europe: Liverpool, Napoli, Milan, Ajax, Feyenoord, Marseille, Dortmund, the scottish derby, the turkish derby, maybe olympiacos and red star (last ones are mostly from videos i saw) and a few more i dont remember atm (maybe Roma for example) Dont get me wrong, i'm not blaming PSG, but there are way better fanbases than PSG. That doesnt mean it is a small club, clubs like Barca, Juve or Real have ****** fanbases even if they are big
This guy saved your ******* ass
Congrats on your win. Now we all know who the best Oil Team is 😤
Only good thing about this club is The GOAT Messi.
It's my money I can do whatever the **** I want with it. If I wanna spend my money on cocaine and ******* Imma do that. And let's be honest If you are on soFIFAAAA you must like fifa if not why would you be on a Fifa database??
I hate EA because they money ****** and promote Ultimate team only. Fifa is addictive that's why I buy it every year. Unfortunately....
You are on a Fifa Database. If you don't play Fifa and don't buy it then why are you on a Fifa database commenting everyday 🤣🤣 I play Fifa and I like Fifa so I bought it what's the problem ?
Qatar a corrupt country that violates human rights invested dirty money and ruined Ligue 1 into a small club to make them relevant. Not respecting financial fairplay having 50 times the transfer budget of every other team in Ligue 1 combined. PSG has a bigger budget than all of Ligue 1 teams combined 🤣 talking about MAKING FOOTBALL BETTER ohh sureeeeee of course yesss it's EVIDENT. THANK YOU PSG for making football better we are so ******* grateful. Dirty oil corrupt rats Qatar needs to get canceled and PSG is their number 1 promoters **** both.
I love making you cry. 🤣it's so so easy ahhhh Sofifa is so fun man
I'm one of the reasons this site sucks ? Oh nooo I'm not gonna sleep tonight. Well at least I'm not one of the reasons football sucks cough cough Qatar Saint Germain. Your shit club ruined football keep quiet about ruining things. ..
Daily reminder that no one on this page would be PSG fans if Qatar didn't invest slavery money in this club. Maybe true parisians that supported the club before 2012 but I bet MY HOUSE that all of you guys (maybe some exceptions there are some true PSG fans) started supporting after 2012 in the QSI era. Come on confess and tell the truth you plastic *****
With the little french I know, here's my response. Il est intelligent. Vous etes stupide. Bandicutie dit la verite.
https://s3a.sofifa.net/8ebf647c18e10f5df199d2f23e014d123daf2b16.png 😂😂 Without the oil money, this club would be sitting at the bottom of Ligue Trois if there is one. Messi is probably the only player of this shit club that I respect 😂 Half of these fans started supporting this Qatari Club only when they found out Mbappe and Neymar moved here 😂
Never seen someone being so happy to be 5th in something once again
Legit noone said anything about the greek league but k
Say it with me OVERRATED
Ils vont sûrement remporter cette ligue des champions...mais sur Fifa 😂 Still a shit Team without CL
Finished oil tap club
Our ****** president is finally out of the club, is that the worst that can happen to us? Keep saying that to yourself to pretend your club isn't ridiculous. You're literally trying to buy CL trophy, how depressing is that?
I wish nothing but the worst to this club.
You are ignoring the blatant corruption from Mr Al Khelaifi my friend. It's obvious that there is brown envelopes flying around. I like PSG, their ultras and the fact that the City have a team competing, but it's not been done in a fair nor legal way. That man Nasser Al Khelaifi should be in jail for fraud
Upvote if you hate psg 👍🏽
Random egomaniac sheikh's toy
What does that mean? 7 years ago Milan last played in CL, it's not an incredible amount of time. Milan let him grow, helped his family, gave 1 million for 4 years to that ridiculous player of his brother to let him be the third keeper, as a gift (honstly speaking he is almost an amateur GK). Milan gave everything to Donnarumma and gave him trust when he was only 16. And I'm not arrogant, but let's be honest there is no single reason to be a PSG fan if you truly love football, unless you are born in Paris (almost all French fans hates PSG aswell). I love this game and if you truly love it you shouldn't support PSG, it's that simple. PSG and his board represents everything that is wrong with this world and with UEFA. Should I support a team with no rules, no respect for anything, unlimited money and which owners are almost a dictatorship country that has no civil rights, murders people and journalists, and acts like nothing happens? No sir
Man are you serious? You are comparing PSG with Barca, Real, Liverpool, etc.? Those teams are the reasons why everybody felt in love with football one hundred years ago, they have history, glory, they have been through rough times and incredibly gold times. PSG is nothing, it's just a random egomaniac sheikh's toy.
The fact that this club can afford to refuse an offer of €220m just shows how unfair, broken and dead football has become. It's not even funny anymore.
Like you did in the past lmao
Scenes when you'll play EUL after December!
This is a prison,Prison Saint-Germain
Hope yall get f*cked by city in the ucl With love from Madrid
P$G 🤡
Bayern would beat them again
small club, in a small league, in a small country
also a small country
Any other club would consider 180M€ a "huge loss". Don't try to justify PSG actions with actual reasons. These guys are just rich as f*** and don't really care about money
I know real PSG fans don't exist but does anyone actually know if Mbappe is leaving this transfer season
wow you guys have an insane president. Perez is horrible himself, but compared to your clown he seems like a cool guy.
genre COMMENT tu peux dire ça putain ?? : je suis littéralement mort il a dit "illégal" https://twitter.com/MadridXtra/status/1430520858553028612
holy fk Leonardo is such an idiot i didn't even realized lol, I pity you for having such a ****** sports director guys
Verratti voulait aller au Barca si je me souviens bien, le Barca a fait une offre et vous l'avez refusé, libre à vous de le faire d'ailleurs! Pour De Jong oui tout était quasi fait au PSG mais au final il a eu une offre du Barca et a préféré le Barca ; en quoi c'est pas correct ? Le cas Wijnaldum est quasi similaire dans le sens inverse et pourtant vous avez pas crié aux méthodes pas correctes je comprends pas l'argument Vous êtes une prison regarde avec Mbappé, il veut partir à 1 an de la fin de son contrat et vous le bloquez, vous êtes le seul club en Europe capable de s'assoir sur 150M arrêtez de tout inverser ; de plus c'est annoncé par un média espagnol, médias espagnols sur lesquels vous chiez h24 en disant que tout est faux donc pourquoi d'un coup cette info serait vrai ? (surtout que c'est AS, grosse source de *****, même pas Marca..) Quelle claque dans la gueule ? Le départ des jeunes est dû au fait qu'ils veulent partir, justement les grandes institutions comme le Real ne sont pas des prisons, tu veux partir tu pars il faut juste payer le prix. C'est certainement le PSG en gardant Mbappé jusqu'à sa dernière année de contrat qui se prendra une claque dans la gueule, perso je respecterais d'autant plus Mbappé qui aura été le seul a résister contre les techniques perfides des Qataris.. je comprends qu'on veuille garder ses meilleurs éléments mais regardez les grandes institutions : on perd Varane/Ramos/Odegaard en 1 mercato qui voulaient partir et alors ? Le club sera toujours plus grand !
Marseille est le plus grand club de la France PSG🥶🥶🥶
NakeDrake bz ta m*re, marre des gros footix qui passent leur journée à sucer notre directeur sportif. De 1/ Léonardo n'est pas une légende du PSG, De 2/ ça fait 2 ans qu'il fait de la grosse m*rde et détruit le club, départ de Silva, Kouassi, prolongation d'indésirables (Kurzawa notamment), mercato catastrophique pendant 2 ans (Mbappé est écœuré des recrues de Léonardo) si vous êtes incapables d'ouvrir les yeux, d'avoir un esprit critique ou comprendre la gestion d'un club allez supporter un autre club bande de chi*ns on a pas besoin de vous. Marre des suceurs footix et des quarantenaires beaufs qui sont incapables de comprendre le football d'aujourd'hui.