
Thoughts ?
Bro looks like a homeless drug addict 17 years on the streets ain’t no way he’s 17 “you should try this” aah face Tf he play on barcelona fake ass replica team tf is that my guy
This hurts more than Jude leaving, and Haaland
me too i think if Raum is realistic too
So Dortmund dont want him? All they had to do is pay 5-7M extra on the 30. Oh well since they wanna be cheap about it. Congrats give us the player we want.
Should go to Stuttgart
Bro got the squidward nose
When did he change his nationality to spain????????? I am so damn suprised
avatar 84/84
Need to stick with Terzic, he is the Klopp 2.0 Only manager of ours to reach champions league final. now thats mentality thatll make us win in the future. dont @ me.
It’s funny how Tuchel is so incredibly clear of everyone you just named
This whole answer makes no sense when they literally offered 25M + add ons to Chelsea for Omari Hutchinson. Not a rumor, but a Fabrizio Romano report. So clearly, if they wanted to go for Beier instead of Hutchinson, they could, since the price is the same. Will they? Absolutely not since it's not they're looking for, but they can clearly affording when they're splashing the same money on someone else. I don't know where the whole FIFA thing is coming from, obvs they have to be careful in how much and in which areas they'll invest, but they're already doing smart business with Diehl and Woltemade coming in. If they get rid of key players, they're gonna find a proper way to replace them. Simple as it is. If Hoeneß stayed, clearly some promise was made. It's not arrogance, it's just pretty easy to understand. They offered 25M + add ons for a player, therefore they can afford to splash 30M for a player. Basic maths
Mate, you said "if you googled", therefore you're taking about pieces of info from other journalists who post online, just like Romano. The difference is that Fabrizio Romano actually is in direct contact with a lot of players and is more likely to interact with a spokeperson then others, since his influence. Therefore he's much more trustworthy, specially now. Yesterday he said the exact hour and minute of Mbappé being announced, clearly he's more trustworthy than some article online. Also Chelsea has already communicated that they have 0 intentions of loaning Hutchinson, he either stays or gets sold. Like Palmer and City. And spending money for non-proven talents is what Bundesliga does best. BvB spending 20M to get Sancho, Leipzig spending 18M to get Bitshiabu from PSG Academy, Leverkusen splashing 24M to get Tella from the Championship, and so on. Is it risky to spend 25M for Hutchinson? Yeah, but if you truly see potential in players, you make the investment cause you know some club could spend 60M+ in next two years if it works. Doesn't really matter what I think, or you think, or Transfermarkt people think. If the coach wants him, they'll at least try to get him. And if Hoeneß refused Bayern, is cause he knows he has a good project under his seat, with a lot of ambition. Clearly he knows some important player will come in. But let's put journalism and theories aside. Let's talk about Stuttgart. Qualifying for CL equals to 18M. Guirassy is set to leave, for another 17.5M of release clause. Silas is also set to leave for around 13M. Fuhrich is rumored to leave for 25M, with Chelsea, Bayern, BvB, Bayer interested. So, if they don't sell anyone else, they're on something like 75M to spend. Diehl, Woltemade, Kietel and Chabot for a total of 4M to add depth to the squad. Already confirmed Stergiou and Leweling for the previous balance. Therefore they have about 71M to replace Guirassy and Fuhrich + add more depth. Clearly, they can afford one 25M signing. If it's in their interest, I don't know since I'm not Stuttgart spokeperson. But they can afford it and according to reports they did. Why be so against that idea brotha.
They literally offered 25M + add ons for Hutchinson. Beier is 30M. Clearly, if they wanted to, they could. Just basic maths
Who tf is this fraud? 74/74 in FIFA 30
Max Meyer regen
Good option as CB for Kompany
Antony> all day every day. Bakayoko is so shit, 88 potential what a joke. 78/82 is fair, he has zero talent. Absolute horror to watch him play, makes me sick especially watching his highlights, Tilmann is shit but even better than this guy
Just making sure mate
Kolo muani loan
Welcome to Fulham!
he has to go blud
Any defender who goes to bayern flops
Should join Fulham if they sell Palhinha over the summer be a nice full circle moment plus you guys get that prem money to maybe get a new GK and keep Idah.
Most ideal option for him would be to leave on loan to a laliga team and come back in 25-26 season when Xavi will be gone. Another option for Barca would be to do swap deal with Leipzig for Sesko, Barca might have to add some $$ in return, but it's possible
What a random loan. Didn't remember it
Holy crap he's really bad
Alright, lads, he won both AFCON and Bundesliga, whoever gives €90M gets him.
said from day one he would flop, glad to see my hate has been justified
Guirassy apparently has interest from clubs too and if one of them turns out to be United, I wouldn't be surprised if this club offers 70-80 million for him instead of getting the release clause so... Of course, I'm not saying Guirassy would be a bad option, I just meant to say Gyokeres would be a dream singing kind of thing.
Literally who?
U weird... i like Keitel because he is promising and had some very decent games and i bet with you he is a CB from now on coz that where he looked decent. Pacho is overrated let him leave for 40 mil then also its the prem they pay 40 mil for anyone youngish that can walk. On ball he has lots of problems, backed up by Frankfurts very bad build up under pressure. When i said Silva ive said also its too expensive. Wolf was just an example y depth the Fullback position should be the priority. Coulibaly: what is balling out to you? Because he had a decent game in the CL.. cmon the press saying he looked good in some games bout shaky in alot too to the point Antwerpen not even consider buying him in the slightest. Gosh chill out especially when your wrong.
You are right Haller 11 m (not particularly his fault , just unfortunate), Sule 10 m a rotational player are d top earners. I dont mind Süle as back up but not for that wage. More important are the fullbacks tho. We cant go into another season with Wolf as first option if someone misses a game there. Coulibaly started well but rn didnt look good at Antwerpen. Pacho isnt that good imo. I like Keitel from Freiburg .. i guess too expensive but how about Silva from Benfica.
Simply just an age fraud, he’s 22 and not that good
Chinese inbred cuck
Honestly I’m fine with signing Chabot, his transfer would remind me of the Ryerson transfer.
ballack regen
Naby Keita 2.0
Finishing behind all three of Bayern, Leverkusen and Leipzig can happen every once in a while. Finishing behind Stuttgart and losing in an extremely important head to head match with them is just laugable. My God. Hope you guys beat that Argentinean cage fighter clown in the CL because I can't stand him, his Atletico Mashit team and his playstyle but knowing you guys, you'll somehow bottle that too. despite beating an in-form PSV in the last round.
Ø, Rice and Partey >>>
Endo is likely to be benched due to the obvious arrival of a #6 (probably Zubimendi or even Kimmich as of now..)
One of the worst striker transfer Liverpool ever made We better use academy players from now on
Real I would think and if isn't him, is Wirtz
caicedo has potential to surpass any dm to ever play, he’s just a bit raw in a f’d up club.
Can almost reach the top shelf in the supermarket with that height. Needs to be at least 185cm for that though, being a lone striker.
Baku might leave Wolfsburg this summer, we he be a good right back for us?
The best youg potential RB or RWB
He would score max 5 goals in the Premier League. Don’t rate any player in that German farmer league. Realistic rating is 77/77
These footballers are so out of touch “I don’t earn 40 million I only earn 20 million” like grow up
They should sell trent and use this boy, he's already clear of that fraud