User 52741834

Transfer rating: F
How is this F, great player and good tactical fit with Licha, u just mad lol. Overpaid tho
F for the price i meant
What a dumb argument. The fact that Palestine was not a land is irrelevant, because the British colonized it anyway. They promised to give it back to rhe indigenous people, but ended up succumbing to Zionist pressure. Gave it to Israel, who used being attacked as an excuse to run an apartheid regime and turn Gaza into a prison. Meanwhile they spread fascist ideology throughout Israeli kids' youth, even in schools. They even discriminate against other Jews! Part of that discimination is allowing extremist Jews to colonize Palestinian territory. Now that Palestiniana tried to free themselves, they cry and use their Zionist connections in the media world and politics to supress the anti-fascist voices opossing the dirty Israhell state. Also use it to commit genocide.
What a goal with his left foot too. It’s to bad he plays for United.