
Ten percent luck, twenty percent skill...y'all know the rest.
bit of a stretch honestly
A wake-up call from what? We won 11 leagues in a row it's very normal to lose one eventually, don't think that's even remotely compareable to those other teams mentioned, atleti have won the same amount COMBINED in their entire existance, Chelsea have "only" won half of our streak and the best Ajax could do was 4 in a row
no shot
More like 28 goals in 5000 minutes which is one goal per 178 minutes. In the Brazil league that's nothing special at all. Watch him play for Cadiz in 5 years time and be rated 71/76
Pro sex-work feminism (or left wing ideas in general) is the most stupid shit ever. Like sex-work is obviously exploitative of workers, there’s not a more clear example of worker exploitation out there yet mfs like Hasan (the dumbass twitch streamer) support it.
Fk st. pauli
Just watch Darwin miss from the same position and he is actually on
Huge win for Mainz
I think you dont know what a genocide is. Read some books about it
Mein Gott die Kommentare hier sind ja unfassbar widerlich
Go support hamas terrorists and palestinian accomplices from gaza..
Bye bye
No he was not suspended by Mainz because he's pro-Palestine, he was suspended because the quote "from the river to the sea" is seen as antisemitic and a synonyme for "kill the jews" in Germany and therefore he was suspended
Mainz should get rid of him
The irony, trying to sound smartass and liberal aiming to look "open minded" even is that mindset is what is dooming your country Your fellow countrymen being a bunch of weak "open minded" fags are the reason why you are getting infested by middle easterns " I almost feel bad for you,trying to function with only one braincell" this is a toddler attempt of offense, you modern germans are menchild
hooooooly, even I am surprised about these stats but 100% deserved. UEFA Nations League C Top Scorer, Seria A Champion, Seria A POTY, Seria A 3x POTM, Seria A Most Assists, UCL Young POTY. 31 goal involvements in 43 games for his first season in top 5. If you don't think these stats are deserved you are on that special zaza.
Cringed+he's untouchable
Because he is not. He is 30 and will be 31 in september.
Impressive how i got downvotes for defending my own player. Go for it guys. Go for it all the way if it makes you happy. It's easy to criticize someone when he's on the ground. I won't do it no matter how frustrating the game made me today. My club, my player, my opinion.
Zinchenko got boddied by Trent
lmfao genuinely though I don't get how some people don't understand Trent's new role, its not really a new idea or something
He isn’t that bad and he is a very kind person. The court doesn’t verify what his girlfriend say so shut up
I think Julien Duranville is missed
thanks captain obvious! we didn't know that already
How is he rated higher than garnacho ??