
How the fuck is he still lower rated than strikers like Iglesias… Guirassy scores every 70(!) minutes this season, should be minimum 84/84
he's at the real liverpool?
I love watching Mainoo play, but I'm baffled by how shortsighted comments are for the performance of young players. During Rashford's first season he scored plenty of goals and he quickly became a starter after a few months. At one point Rashy was the shit, yet here we are, with one inconsistent season after the other. Rashford's still a great player, but he could have been much more than he is now. So, what's to say this won't happen to Mainoo in a few years? The potential is clearly there for a world-class player, but it was there for Rashford, too. My point being, calm down, y'all. A player is not "finished" because of a bad season, but also they're not "generational" because of a good one. Football discourse, much like most discourse in general, is full of such hyperboles, and it's quite tiresome. Still, here's to hoping Mainoo will be United's superstar captain in a couple of years, and for many years to come after that!
Needs a loan Some suggestions: Stuttgart; probably gonna play champions league, maybe loose one of their strikers, so he'd get some game time Frankfurt: euro/conference league, with some game time Hoffenheim, Bremen, Gladbach, Frankfurt, Freiburg; all with the same prospect of fighting for europe while maybe even be a key player St. Pauli; I'd much more like him at a club in the top half of the table, but if pauli get's promoted it could be a great fit, since he played there on youth level and already knows Hamburg and probably some of the staff members
Gonna go out on a limb and say the Barca logo next to username "Catalan01" is influencing this take ever so slightly
Only if there was a strong enough breeze
Enjoying your rivals tearing through your league unbeaten this season?
He wasn't. If you are talking about his international debiut against San Marino - it was just an error. Lewa Has never played as a defender.
I am very excited for big games in the Euros. Not only do we have interesting games (of course every game is interesting but you get the idea) in the group stages, but if we earn a spot in the knockouts then we get even more interesting games. Of course I am a little nervous, but that only adds spice to International play. No small games for Croatia!
Cant wait to see us playing against spain in berlin, gonna be a legendary summer for me
Vini keeps losing his temper, which is disappointing since he brings such joy through his football and could turn all this mess into an even brighter future. However, none of all his provocations so far, not even his aggression to Orban, justifies being racist and offending someone by his skincolor cant be tolerated absolutely. If you don't like his dancing, his CR7 celebration, his pointing to Real Madrid logo on his shirt, him picking up the ball and hanging his fist towards the rivals, you are entitled to not liking it. But that has nothingo to do with his race, and every argument defending that his "asking" for it is wrong and I hope he keeps doing exactly this to make every single one of who's annoyed even more annoyed.
Well him in Ajax and in the NT are two different worlds... not sure.
Karamoko Demebele VS Xavi Simons 2014 with Linkin Park of backsound
only balkans can relate
Is it 87 potential overrated or he deserves it?
Kick one of the best fullbacks itw into a tantrum that made him leave Manchester City on the last day of the january window, youngest player ever to score as a starter in a UCL match while being a defender, understanding Pep's ideas better from the academy than players with whole professional careers and years of experience under Pep, already a strong contender in 3 different positions for the best team in Europe. Have you been living under a rock to ask that?
Shame for a debut like that
Yes but he is too good to be a back up all his like and will earn good money in the prem good move for him and should push to start for Croatia over Livakovic is he shows his talent
The unprovoked killing of 1200 israeli civilians who are jews, muslims and christians by Hamas is not a genocide? The 2800 Quassam rockets fired from Gaza on 7th of October are not a genocidal act? Then I ask you: What is it? Liberation struggle? Fight for independence? Israel IN RESPONSE to a genocidal act then retaliating against Hamas so that this doesn't happen again is a genocide? To sum this up: Israel is not allowed to defend itself and eliminate the threat when its population gets massacred by a foreign terrorist organisation. Do I get that right? And do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
Not just in the past, right now Turkey is bombing kurdish people in the Rojava region in northern Syria while advocating for peace in Gaza. It's schizophrenic and completely hypocritical.
I don’t like bringing politics into football and this website but it’s pissing me off with the Turks coming on here taking these massive moral stances. Their country committed multiple atrocities, genocides and massacres over multiple centuries in Anatolia and the Balkans. Turkey don’t even acknowledge that they happened. Their whole country is based of off ethnic cleaning. Yes I’m English (well half) and we’ve done terrible things aswell. As has most of Europe/the world.
Wasting time at PSG worse than me on this forum
Wasn't he the guy who hated technology despite being super intelligent and went to live in the woods?
Merry Christmas everybody, and for those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas I hope you all have a great day. Just enjoy yourselves today lads
La foto en negativo de Edgar Davids
falcao? wtf ? do you watched him at porto/ atletico? he was good for years
Calling every white argentinian nazi is racist af.
When it was him, he answered on the pitch, not on Instagram like certain two victim merchants https://s3a.sofifa.net/429c1b8320d782806ac0294ea16e2cd143992915.jpg
If the true lord Jesus Christ can forgive our sins, why can't we forgive others?
Balling out like crazy! Maybe this could be the rise of a new world-class croat
Nearly scored on his debut for the Croatian NT, he looks so good 74/84
Only lanky nerds give a fuck about the whole 'hOlLanD iSnT nEtHerLanDs' thing
Everything you said makes this look like a bad transfer. I'm convinced it's perfect for United
How does he play? In Stuttgart he was a very important keyplayer
Needs to prove himself on the big stage
Mbappe plays on the left. Plus I doubt Liverpool could ever realistically sign him
tap-in merchant is a stupid phrase imo it takes genuine skill to get into the right positions in order to score tap-ins in the first place I think that scoring a lot of tap-ins is the sign of an intelligent striker who makes their job easier through genuine skill and mentality
Day 1 of saying I am looking forward to retirement though I still have most of my adult life ahead of me
I'll write this comment just to add another Croat to the discussion
And you support Man United mate I reckon thats worse x
Guess who is back.
I know but he probably burned bridges by publicly speaking out against his club even if he's right
People acted like it was a little thing. Like fuck losing your new born baby. Start playing ball
It's still a joke that his potential is 91. It should be 93
I did not say baka's potential is not fair i just inplied that doku must have higher potential than him
bro siued after having the ugliest hattrick while the other team had 9 men, then missed a open shot right after. This dude is hilarious.
Ignorant European position and you're still trying this false equivalents argument. Why would I know how to build a country from scratch? When Africans try to push the West away they have the leader killed or they tactically drive them mad or halt progression through their massive political and economic advantages. Africa's progression goes against Western interests. An enriched Africa hurts Europe's labor supply and takes away Europe's discount on the continents resources. It also reduces Africa's dependence on Western products, further hurting the West's profits. It's why the West suddenly cares about Niger. Because if Niger isn't cooperating that means France loses it Uranium and Niger will no longer import Ukrainian grain.
Underrated from what I seen last few games
Tamam göt
Swap POT with Álvarez pls
Let me guess, he’s shit ?
La Liga Bruno Fernandes
… We've come too far To give up who we are So let's raise the bar And our cups to the stars
Im sure 99% of folks here have never watched him. So finding a real opinion about him here is very difficult lol.
87 rating is fine. 91 potential is wank. 92 at the very least.
91 potential is way too low for him.