
What he said about Greenwood might be the truth but it was unnecessary.. these kind of things don’t have place on the pitch save them for off pitch.. I am not defending Greenwood he might as well be a rapist but Jude wasn’t even provoked.. it’s unnecessary and Greenwood is still your countryman and possibly England national teammate . I am sure Greenwood is just trying to play football so should Jude..I can’t be too hard on Jude he’s still 20 years old not matured enough but at Real Madrid respect is the most important virtue.. I hope Real Madrid tell him off.
Allegedly called greenwood rapist. Not good for his image atm, PR company gotta act fast.
Charges dropped, bring my boy back. He innocent(not the right word choice when reading it back, but still charges dropped, the victim chose to not cooperate), "bUt tHe VIDeo!" Don't matter charges dropped. I believe we all make mistakes especially when we're young,l think he should be forgiven. Let's stop trying to be on a moral high ground and be more forgiving.
How many world cups he has?
All this love for him, are people ignoring him walking back and standing there outside the box watching Mbappe dribble past the team to pass to Kolo-Muani? He done nothing to even try and prevent the second goal and he took stupid selfish attempts at goal throughout the game. There is a reason he won't succeed. He has the same Boufal, Taraabt North African gene of all the talent and all the laziness at the same time.
so by this logic you must agree with transgenders who lived most of their lives as opposite sex, have documentation saying they are opposite sex, and considers themselves as the opposite sex. do you think transgenders are members of the opposite sex? i doubt it
typical liverpool fan supports 2 clubs and lives a million miles away from scouseland
Do CB not exists to you?
Yes why not donkey?
Overrated. Would get bullied in PL
Why do you have to be so godamn leftist? Just enjoy the game ya cnts.
Bruh we are talking about fifa
stop getting your knickers in a twist, what did u want us to do? come up and just accept a squad ceiling of staving relegation, or spending with the big boys and giving it a go to shake things up a bit ? your sodium content is going through the roof rn with all that salt. Forest are massive get used to it 🌳 🔴⚪️🔴⚪️
Bro, just read it 😭
You only have to read this: “ you'll need a manager who adapts to them, cuz during those seasons y'all had Lage, Jj and now Schmidt, 3 managers with 3 different ideas of playing which means the players y'all bought during that time was for their system in specific.” Hope you understood, honestly.
Why tf are you talking about the “you”? I can’t keep with this. Have a good night.
i respect him soo much for turing that game down
Super undeserved, 82 was more than ok
Small Club.
an american phh, stay home
i dont watch him, be quiet
zitto finocchio
man the fuck up bro, don't ruin your life because some bitch cheated on you