
Even if Osimhen did a crazy assist Kvara is trending more than him, too many people have become obsessed with him lmao
Too overated
It not promising at all 🤣
Oddly satisfying to see him flopping in camel league, for choosing money over real career
Made a wise choice. He knew he was a farce, so he went for that payday.
Piccolo uomo, non tifo Juve ma dopo aver visto la sua bastardata al Milan non si può definire che piccolo uomo e ancor più piccolo giocatore carriato da Barzagli e Chiellini
A juve legend doesnt leave for a rival and, when he scores against Juve, makes a provocative celebration
89/94 easily
Hungarian talking about gypsy lol. You have the highest % of gypsy in all Europe, even more than Romania
Here to say that at the moment Gaetano receives more consideration than Elmas, a player who has always been loved by everyone for his versatility who magically has no space. On the other hand, Raspadori, who should only play central, is being thrown all over the pitch, in a while we will see him as a full-back.
In realtà penso che avremmo vinto massimo uno scudetto in più e qualche coppa italia, la Juve era comunque nettamente più forte. Poi per i giocatori di livello dipende, se il club non è al livello dei top europei è comunque difficile che scelgano il Napoli se pure top club x vuole quel giocatore
This is part of his contract. He is paid for such a statements. Clubs are not paying boys milions for running with the ball on the grass.
Palese che Garcia abbia le idee confuse e la personalità di una sogliola: i dissensi con Kvara e Osimhen sono lampanti, la gestione dei cambi è oscena. Sinceramente non capisco cosa abbia fatto di male Elmas, che lo scorso anno era stato un jolly prezioso ed importante come impatto nella lotta scudetto. Discorso che oggi si può fare per Lindstrom, giocatore quasi universale che però come il macedone non si sta vedendo. Ovvio che Garcia sia in difficoltà; mi stupisce però che dal principio ci sia stata fiducia in un tecnico che ha avuto momenti buoni nella sua storia ma molti più momenti negativi. La scelta di dare a lui una squadra reduce da una vittoria dello scudetto per me non è logica
Admin This new bot that auto deletes comments is broken. You cant send photos because it's considered “spam” and you cant insult people anymore. Insulting other users was the best part of sofifa Please remove the bot or at least make it more lenient
shit coach just like xavi
on of the most shitty as coaches i have seen so far
78/89 ni en pedo llega a ese potencial en una liga tan mediocre 74/81
sportswashing league
Cause he’s only there for the money
370 minutes and just 1 assist, Gaethanos is clear
You guys do realize that his job isn’t just to score. Just shows that y’all don’t watch him at all.
He can’t be 89 potential if he plays in Saudi Arabia
78/78. Finished Camel League statpadder.
You can not get better while playing against mohamed’s
I don't get how people can say one season wonder to a player with this extraordinary technical ability. Ass long as he's motivated he'll be world class. Tekkers out of this world.
Stat obsessed third-worlders can now STFU
The hunger on the first goal was amazing. How can this guy be a one season wonder, i don't get it. For me one season wonder will always be Michu, and i'm still trying to understand why he passed that damn ball to Callejon
people who actually watch napoli knew he wasnt a fraud even when he doesnt score he's a handful
This is actually laughable.
I get getting mad at the club but why did he ignore his teammates?? Making himself look like a dickhead
Sassuolo > Torino Lazio = Roma Genoa < Inter Bologna < Hellas Verona Udinese > Cagliari And even if Leao isn't in form it doesn't justify having only one more participation than an 'underperforming' Kvara, having said that I also like Leao but you Milan fans are really annoying
A "underperforming" Kvara participates in 3 goals A in-form Leao participates in 4 goals
"Being shit since march" says troll who only watches football with glimpse on flashscore
you can see how hungry he was for that goal, someone with his mentality and talent can't be a one season wonder
Man of the match. Bodied his haters
The day that I'm gonna react to a fucking TikTok video with a chipmunk-like voice with as little as a smirk please put an end to my life
He called himself a coconuthead a while ago. To say he is stubborn. It might be racism, but it also might not be. Lets not jump the gun. In any way, he is overreacting. It seems he is even ignoring his teammates now, who had nothing to do with the tiktok
mate ur the one that a coconut for a brain if you think any of that was racist or offensive. It's literally such a light hearted joke. In this Era its pretty normal for big organizations to use gen z humour to get interaction. look at razr. Neither of the videos was offensive or disrespectful. Just banter.
Osimhen knows this is a way to force his way out, like cmon that video is just jokes lol its funny and dumb and means nothing
This image will haunt us forever
How is " coconut " relate to " I'm black " ? I see no relation
Who ever made and post that video are stupid, but Osimhen kinda made a big deal out of it too. Don't think it's racist, it's just a stupid joke, no need to be that angry
I didn’t think the post was all that funny but I also didn’t think it was all that offensive. He’s just a crybaby
Racist is to think that someone is racist just because the guy he's making fun of is black.
He's just doing this to force a move away. It's obviously not that deep
Don't see any problem with the penalty video About the second tiktok, I didn't see it because I only saw Fabrizio's post (with the penalty tiktok). I don't know in which context the second video is but yes, this one really could be seen as kinda questionable. However the first tiktok with the penalty is not problematic for me, he could have found a solution internally for that.
I can't believe there are people exaggerating saying that this is racism when they only make fun of his hairstyle and that lately he only scores from a penalty, not his skin color, the CM of Napoli on tik tock is one of the stupidest people in the world . know what the world is like. Nowadays, with things as delicate as feminism, racism, LGBT, they begin to upload embarrassing videos like the ones they published towards their best player.
What a funny way to force a move out, he thinks we can't see what he is doing
He is a smartass rather than a snowflake, Hes obviously trying to escape from a sinking ship that is Napoli
I cannot say what I would do to Garcia because I would be arrested.
So glad this toxic and arrogant fanbase gets a reality check, that miracle title win 2 years ago made yall believe youre world beaters lmfao and you refused to see the cracks. Fanbases of big clubs like Milan, Arsenal, Barcelona, United etc all deserve this type of humbling
Bro farming downvotes
Leao is faster and more phisical, his body is insane. But Kvara has better technique imo, better shooting and passing. Dribbling is pretty close
time to give østigård a starting chance
Yo bro they literally destroyed Serie A, and did very well in CL. Bro Osimhen was the second best Striker in the world last Season and Kvara was best in assists + goals combined. Gotta respect amazing ballers & future stars.
Have some patience with this player. He deserves trust, in Naples he had excellent passing skills, in a team that made ball possession and building the game from defense its strengths. I think, however, that in the pair of Napoli defenders, the real director and leader was Rrahmani. The thinking mind, which with its leadership, personality and experience allowed Kim to make the most of it. Kim was the stopper ready to mark and anticipate and Rrahmani the "sweeper". Koulibaly was also helped a lot by Rrahmani in Naples and thanks to him he did very well. Then he moved to Chelsea and did damage in the Premier League! I think Kim is a great defender, who won't end up like Koulibaly and will play great games, but I think the soul and leader of the Napoli defense has been and always will be rrahmani
85 Ball control means that the editors have never seen him play, should probably be 76 at best. It could have been higher than 76 back at Fiorentina, but he has got way worse during his time with Juventus. 83 sprint speed is too much, should be 80. The finishing of the last 6/8 month is nowhere near 88, at Fiorentina and at the beggining of his Juve career, 88 was fine
This player is the true silent leader of a fantastic team and an always strong and organized defence. He is the real director, who with his leadership and experience allows his teammate to express himself at his best. Koulibaly has done great things in Naples thanks to him. Kim Min Jae was the best defender last year. But Koulibaly was bad in England last year and Kim is having problems in Germany. When you have a ward mate like Rrahmani, everything is easier. In fact, Napoli continues to play well and have a very solid defence. While playing for now with a defender from the bench, Juan Jesus, a barely discreet player and waiting for the new Brazilian Natan to settle down. Yet Jesus looks like Sergio Ramos thanks to Rhahmani. The true leader of the Napoli defense
without serie a tax: 85/86