Jorge Melo

“or boyfriend”
atm he would be the best Serie A player by far 💀
Comparado com a última época, basicamente trocámos Kovacevic por Adan, Debast por Coates, Harder por Paulinho e tivemos as adições de Quenda e Maxi às alas. No geral, penso que estamos mais fortes por haver mais entrosamento da equipa e por ter havido evoluções de vários jogadores durante a última época. Individualmente, acho que ficamos muito mais fortes nas alas, na baliza ficamos mais ou menos igual (pelo menos do que vi até agora), na defesa perdemos um pouco de maturidade pela perda do Coates (mas penso que o Diomande ainda vai crescer muito naquela posição do centro, ontem teve muito bem), e nos avançados penso que também perdemos pelo menos a curto prazo (Harder é uma incógnita para mim mas pode ser que venha a evoluir muito).
Chelsea needs to stop buying players
Harder, better, faster, stronger
There are strong rumours of Sancho. It won't be an easy move though, especially given his high salary
No other wingers. Chiesa is the only one that has a slight chance of staying if he isn’t sold
Genuine contender for Ballon Dor
It’s up to the Netherlands to save football. Such an insufferable team with insufferable fan base
He was a good player for us just always injured unfortunately
A verdade é que so nao marcou porque o Courtois afinal esta no euro. Mas sim eu entendo, ele pode ser um jogador interessante no Utd, onde a maioria dos jogos sao equilibrados, mas numa equipa de posse de bola é bem fraco sim. Mas fora isso pra mim o pior de tudo é o nosso estilo de jogo. Nao faz sentido uma equipa que aparentemente é pessima a penetrar bloco baixo, deixar sempre o adversário baixar. Hoje por varias vezes os gajos ate subiam deixando espaço a tras e nós faziamos questao de trocar a bola o mais devagar possivel para que eles possam voltar e recuperar posicao a vontade. Maldita a hora em que o Guardiola deu esperanças a outros treinadores de que podem jogar da maneira dele. Ver equipas grandes a jogar assim, a "controlar as ações", dá me vómitos.
Desta maneira Pepe com 43 anos vai ter que jogar a Copa do Mundo de 2026.
I thought it was weird at first but Nuno Mendes had a good performance as a CB in a back 3, and was much, much better than Inácio has been. Since Roberto Martínez clearly wants a left-footed player on the left in a back 3, I’d say Nuno won the spot. I still think a back 4 would be better, though, both for himself and for the team. It’s time to stop playing Bernardo Silva as a winger, he never was one and never will be. He’s a brilliant midfielder and has seldom ever been able to show that in the Portuguese NT, and that is a crime. He played a few matches in the middle earlier this year and had good performances then, and he also played much better today once he moved to midfield. He’s too slow to play on the wing and can’t get past defenders. Bruno Fernandes was arguably Portugal’s best player in the 2022 World Cup, but his performance today was disastrous. He was dispossessed many times, and even worse, three or four of those times resulted in dangerous plays by the Czechs. As for offense, there were also three or four times where he had a clear line of pass that could have resulted in a goal-scoring opportunity for us, but unfortunately he always chose to ignore that and instead charged head on against the defenders, and always lost the ball as a result. Very frustrating performance. Vitinha was very solid today. Very attentive, very strong passing game, very strong ball recovery. He’s the main reason we had so much ball possession, and I’m not surprised he was voted the MOTM. I don’t understand why he was subbed off and Bruno remained on the pitch, it should have been the other way around. Francisco Conceição once again proved his worth by solving a match that simply didn’t need to get so difficult for Portugal. He should probably start on the right wing in the next match, he’s one of the most in-form players we have. Speaking of which, João Palhinha should be a starter as well.
Wow, what an elaborate and insightful comment, thank you! Who would you personally like to see as Ruben‘s CB partner, out of Pepe, Antonio, Inacio and Danilo? And do you think Dalot can do the job as wide RB better than Semedo who’s been doing great in the friendlies?
Hoje nao quero saber quem começa, quem entra a meio, quem marca e o crl. Só sei que hoje começa o sonho de ser camepao europeu novamente! Deixo isto aqui para entrarem no hype. VAMOS CARALHOOOOOOOOOOOO
been very good all game with a goal to top it off
Southgate is a war criminal
I got my hopes up for a great night of football and got that shit instead. So much for the "golden generation" when your manager has a gift of making your team look like a bunch of plumbers.
Nothing was even about the 2nd half. Just look at the amount of touches your players had and the involvement from your midfielders and attackers
Yeah and we're also way closer to the belgian league than Irish or Norwegian league
Bro we know you’re in love but, we don’t care.
Yes, i put him a Cb and go forward, if you want to know how to do a stones role check my yt video or look for Sesquet FIFA channel, Broma18 or Brom Squad Gaming, i will be here to help if needed
Right now, Ronaldo is the last of our problems
Flopix at it again
great game vs Luxemburg, best player itw
USA doesn’t pretend it’s the best team in the world
yeah he is injured sadly, i would have liked to see him against canada yesterday
Fr, he's literally Gavi with less passing skills, a more athletical profile (much better jumping for example) and a better carrier of the ball
He's injured
Superb analysis, I must say! You pretty much got everything right, the only thing you missed was Rúben Neves - but I understand why, I wouldn’t have called him either. 😆 And of course, in this website where almost no-one knows football, your post got completely overlooked. I appreciate you, though. :)
90 stamina?? his gf is the happiest woman alive
He is quick,skilful , really strong,good with both feets,good playmaker and pretty good finisher(he can improve there tho).For me maybe the best player in the league and sure the best player we had after Berg left
Linked with Sevilla
Debast would be a good sign for you and also a good next Step for him.. He isn't ready atm for a move in a Top League like PL or Serie A ..
fully agree (see my recent post). I think 24 are fix, the last two positions will be between Semedo, Otávio and Pote.
Knowing Martinez he will throw a curveball and play Toti and Matheus Nunes lol 😂 (but yes I like this lineup, I see Bernardo and Vitinha interchanging with one another a lot. Bernardo is not great at playing that final pass Vitinha is more capable at that aspect of his game. So I see the two of them rotating a lot depending on whether we want to retain possession or get a goal. I wish Bernardo was a little less careful at times and be more decisive on the ball like he used to be back in 2018 where he would take charge and just “go for it”)
it amazes me how they don't realize that there's a stat that's totally wrong lmao
Chain smoker levels of in-game stamina.
Bro is smashing Marković lol
I dont feel like he is such a baller like everybody pretend to least he is not as elegant as Vinicius, Mbappe, Leao, Foden, Odegaard etc. he is really good and worldclass but for me he is not such a baller like those I mentioned.
Deserved upgrade. One of the best defenders at dribbling. He constantly makes great runs with the ball. He’s pulled off some great skill moves and he’s fast as well. His tackling is also very good.
Luka Modrita
Cmon bro you can’t say that when Di Maria should’ve been sent off
Crazy team
Baller, PSG's best player tonight, by a mile. 84/86
Did not see him make one mistake Great player he is completely calm on the bal
O que acham do Gasperini, treinador da Atalanta? Não é português mas acaba o contrato este ano e também joga com uma formação de 3 centrais. Transformou uma Atalanta que lutava para não descer em uma que luta todos os anos por lugares nas competições europeias. As maiores dificuldades que vi o Amorim passar cá no Sporting foi contra este mesmo treinador e é um treinador que gosta sempre de jogar um bom futebol ofensivo. Por outro lado, parece estar ligado com Villas-Boas para o Porto segundo jornais italianos.
O bem venceu
Relativamente ao Benfica, não é tanto um problema do plantel ser curto, mas sim do treinador não saber gerir os minutos dos jogadores. Um Di Maria todo roto aos 36 anos fazer sempre os 90 minutos não beneficia nem a equipa, nem o próprio Di Maria, nem potencia os jogadores que têm no banco. O Sporting tem um plantel um pouco mais curto mas com os minutos bem repartidos por vários jogadores. Todos sentem que contam, chegam a esta fase da época em melhor condição física e com mais confiança em si e no projecto.
Jogo muito sofrido mas passamos! No fim de semana temos de jogar com muita mais intensidade. Seria uma grande notícia se Pote já pudesse ser opção, hoje fez muita falta.
Posto tudo isto, parabens pelo acesso a final. Foi alto jogo, sao jogos como este que fazem falta em Portugal.
Agree with Ricchutti on Yamal and Cubarsí. Too much pot for Fermín for me better 74-81/82. Fort is too early to say but the kid's got potential smth 65-85 could be ok
Cubarsí 74-88 Fermín 75-84 Yamal 82-92
Concordo completamente com uma pequena observação que o vitinha é claramente mais dinâmico em condução de bola que ruben neves e o otavio atualmente por isso não o ponhas nesse saco O felix tem a obvia qualidade mas a consistência mental nao esta lá... não podemos estar reféns desse tipo de probabilidades O mais importante é mesmo o ruben neves, não pode jogar, a nossa construção fica completamente debilitada e pouco dinâmica
Better for us if english clubs think like you
Have you been in a coma for the last 8 months by any chance?
he literally has 50 g/a this season
Deves ser racista. O Leão e Nuno Mendes nasceram em Portugal.