
Bro just wanted to see the porto in 4th place
Should i delete my soFifa account? Upvote-No Downvote-Yes I'll check the count for the next 24 hours and if the decision is against me I'll leave🥲✅ (The same comment is posted on Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United, Arsenal, Dortmund and on top 5 trending players list and i will take the total count of the answer)
"Rui Patricio ➡️ Ricardo Velho" Qual é o sentido de tirar o Patrício, sendo talvez o nosso 3º redes e tendo sido o nosso titular dos últimos 10 anos? Tem provas dadas, conhece o balneário, e se por acaso for preciso jogar já está habituado a estas andanças e com certeza não vai tremer tanto como o guarda redes do farense que fez a sua primeira época a serio "Nelson Semedo ➡️ Nuno Santos" Nuno Santos nunca jogou numa defesa a 4. "Ruben Neves ➡️ Florentino" Tiramos o Neves para meter outro trinco com tijolos nos pés? Sendo que já temos o Palhinha. "Otávio ➡️ Francisco Trincão" O Otávio em 9 meses não desaprendeu a jogar futebol o suficiente para estar a ser comparado com o Trincão. "Pedro Neto ➡️ Pote" A opinião mais aceitável desta lista. Mas mesmo assim, se tiver a precisar de meter alguém para mexer com o jogo meto o Pedro Neto todos os dias da semana. Claro que a falta de ritmo pode afetar, mas esperemos que não. "João Félix ➡️ Paulinho" Epah esta aqui nem merece comentários, o melhor é só rir mesmo.
eia cum caralho este comentário ficou pior a cada linha que li. "João Félix ➡️ Paulinho" foi mesmo a cereja no topo do bolo LOOOOOOOOOL
pelo tempo que passas aqui provavelmente estava na hora de fazeres um CV e procurares emprego.
Deco existed
10 anos? Só te esqueces que depois de uma boa temporada aqui eles são logo vendidos, se ele continuar assim dura no máximo 2 anos aqui
such misleading stats, i want to see Marcos Leonardo starting, because from what i've seen for now he sucks on the ball. He's been a good poacher aggainst small teams but that's it, i know you hate Eva but he's the 2nd player of the season behind Chico (coming from someone who watches all matches), he had some poor moments of form but he still managed 24 goals in one of the lowest goalcoring seasons of the century from us, not to mention his ability to hold the ball and combine upfront, we cant manage without him
interesting call up
Sold for 10 mill☠️
Bro you guys could sign prime Messi and make him play like a penguin on laxatives.
neymar don't even play
que vergonha, uma coisa é ser exigente, outra coisa é vaiar os jogadores depois de ganharem confortavelmente. Cambada de bebés mimados que se o clube não estiver em primeiro com 20 pontos de avanço não vale a pena apoiar, ás vezes os portistas tambem sacam umas destas enerva-me sempre
- sold Gilberto because he "wasnt good enough" only to not get a player for that position - let grimaldo go even though he wanted to stay - signed ristic and let him go even though he was one of the few that showed passion - hired jurasek for 14M€!!!!! Out of panic - got 2 players that are constantly injured from PSG and came for paid vacation - spent 20M€ on an unproven striker that doesnt fit the system - the midfield duo has been lacking options for 2 years now - renovated schmidts contract because "why not?" Should i go on? I love rui costa, he lives very close to me and i see him all the time, he is super humble, down to earth and fully resembles and benfiquismo is. I dont paint him as a "vieirista" as most people here do and on twitter as well, i fully believe he means the best for the club and doesnt try to take advantage of his position for self gain. However, that does not mean he isnt free of criticism from his actions. His decisions regarding the squad have been suspect to say the least, and the worst part i think is he doesnt show his face in difficult moments like this. If i was him i would talk straight to the fans on this bullshit situation, he doenst have the balls to do that he is to afraid. Call the shitty fans who did this out, tell them this doesnt help the situation, and of course take your part of the blame and confess that you havent made perfect decisions along the way. Clean slate, done. Even if that costs you your position and the fans eat you alive, at least it would serve as a warning and if Lucky a message that reaches out to them and makes some of them change their negative posture.
pronto vou ser um gajo porreiro. Condeno todo o tipo de ataque que seja para lá da critica (quer a PdC ou a AVB), mas a verdade é que o que está a acontecer é que o pessoal está farto da campanha de ódio do Pinto, vindo de uma AG a roçar no anticonstitucional. Quando se fala em votar nele, nunca é pelas ideias mas sim por "gratidão", é daí que vem essa separação que falas, e é necessária nesta fase, a democracia tem de vencer
Otamendi is a cancer to this club, fake leader
The pressure at OM was too much for him, you have to know that this club has been waiting for THE BIG number 9 for a decade, all the attempts and players in this position have all been catastrophic, and the OM president bought him for 32 million when he hadn't proved anything at the highest level, so he had even more pressure. He misses a lot of easy chances and the OM fans don't spare him either on social or at the stadium.
dude was a flop at Porto
He is a world class talent but he has been terrible in the last couple of months. Needs to leave Porto asap and go to a better team, he won't develop any further if he stays there any longer.
Not gonna lie, they look like the most insufferable group of teens from your local gym https://s3a.sofifa.net/7473ba632887b3974b63f75dfdba1c43c432604b.jpg
2024 and people are still convinced Rashford is a speedster. last time he beat his opponent in a 20m race Mourinho was in charge. He’s got a Robertson/ Ben White type of speed now
my team 2nd season MU: Onana; Wan Bissaka; Maguire; Branthwaite; Shaw; Palhinha; Lisandro; Mainoo; Bruno Fernandes; Rashford, Hojlund manager: wayne rooney
pela milionésima vez o plantel não é o problema (apesar de ser muito curto), as equipas jogam todas da mesma maneira contra nós e não nos sabemos adaptar
LMAO https://x.com/profetabenfica/status/1776922209287622670?s=46&t=WGW0GPgVWpua2PdQFcBMjw
Arthur Cabral is getting sent to Cancún
How talented Diogo Costa is? Could he become a starter for a club like Madrid etc?
O merdas na minha foto de perfil
8 role suits him very well, + Varela is the undisputed 6
O florentino é um médio defensivo puro e precisamos de marcar um golo a 10 minutos do fim, ainda por cima estava cansado e a fazer uma data de erros se quiseres faço te uma compilação. Sim, tinha de sair, obvio que tem de ser titular e esteve bem até ao minuto 70
-Florentino comete um erro- Fãs: Tem de sair! So faz merda! -Kokcu comete 5 erros- Fãs: Errar é humano. É o melhor jogador da Holanda. Que craque meu deus.
Odegaard is gay af too ngl
No offense to Fulham but my boy really needs a transfer to some of the best teams in the world right now
I hate being right about players that we don't sign
Dad obviously. As good as xico is, it doesnt make sense to say he elevates the squad
Foi campeão em 17/18, ganhou uma super taça e duas taças. E a maior premiação foi levar o Porto a tribunal por dívida salarial 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😅
Juan Bernat will be returned to Paris SG. The 31-year-old full-back made 6 appearances (246 minutes) for Benfica this season. https://s3a.sofifa.net/bcefb615dc5135fa2aa7c61e91cee6eff38e51f2.jpg
@wood, por favor nao spames todas as noticias aqui. já sabemos que no benfica sao associados 988543059 jogadores por dia durante o mercado. Assim fica a pagina muito lotada do mesmo
I knew that beforehand but expected a bit more of a comprehensive response lol Appreciate it anyway
I dont think you can hold Gyökeres over the season
O toti Gomes é miserável
Isn't it weird Benfica made the same mistake again? Lots of investment to buy Weigl which was 3 midfield player, now same thing with Kokcu
As long as you guys have players like Joao Neves and Antonio Silva everything will be fine !
Who’s that guy next to Deco? Is that… Bojan??
Why stop at just a hattrick of goals bro would have gotten an hattrick of assists as well if he were kept on the right by the looks of his reaction.😂
Please dont tell me you are talking about inacio 😭
The only one who can plays for sporting
He would be your best striker since aubameyang how is that a mistake?
Not for arsenal For teams like Chelsea and United yes
top 5 best goalie in the world
People who said onana was better than him😂😂
A scary longevity. https://twitter.com/AerialThreat/status/1768003315990683899?t=uq2PAAqXSH7w5TzxOx8-1g&s=19
https://s3a.sofifa.net/b3e8cb0a047e83b5d2e072c270730fe205f78103.jpg Lloran las discotecas 😞😞😞
Rodrigo Mora tem muito potencial. A geração de 2007 vem muito forte com nomes como ele e o Quenda.
He always cooks when he plays at international level.
What I mean is that this Brazilian lad thinks he’s entitled to support Arsenal despite not even watching them live at least once, nor living in England.
Your team bro? You’re from Brazil lmao