Stamford Splif

This guy is a fraud 🤡 One game wonder
Ramenez la coupe à la maison! 🇫🇷
Last I checked, ole Harry missed the pen. Not the ref
Let them celebrate it, that's everything they have.
Dude is on course to win his 2nd World Cup in a row at age 23 and all these englishmen in the comments are raving about walker having a good game against him like they won the world cup lmao
Haaland will never be better than mbappe
Best player on Planet Earth, pure and simple
Best player in the world
Mbappe the goat!
81 short passing is a joke
He is was everything today, without his playmaking we wouldn't be here talking abt a 4-1 win
Was f*cking good as a CM !
What a king. We lacked Pogba and Kante so the GOAT snucked in our mifield and played as a mix of both
Congratulations to my French brothers for this well-deserved victory. Despite all the injuries and absences you managed to play some good attacking football and to be solid defensively. How can we not talk about Mbappé who has already scored as many goals as Messi in the World Cup and one less than Ronaldo even though he is not even 24 years old. Well done to DD who was able to create a real collective despite the constraints. This team is very, very scary and I wonder when they will stop and especially who will stop them. Now let's concentrate on the Belgium game tomorrow, let's hope we can ensure qualification and above all offer a better game than the one we played against Canada.
J'ai visité Paris cette année et une petite ville qui s'appelle Chelles. J'ai visité l'Italie et l'Espagne aussi mais le meilleur pays dans mon avis est la France. Honnêtement je suis amoreux de votre pays. Félicitations.
That goal against Neuer...
You know, I have been hanging out here in France for a few years, and I have not gone into a single church I should visit a couple Also I like how when I make a joke on the England page (I am from London) they are all so bitter and angry about it, I make a joke here, and get up votes :)
If anyone plans to visit France, make sure to visit all the big beautiful churches... And if you want. It is the perfect place to talk about the immense size of gode
Overhyped Spagetti merchant
Lmao I'm not belgian and I agree roads are shit here
Because portuguese are poor fuckers
English detected:unfunny joke
That's young. A lot of players only start to be really good at around 25-26 and as I said, 1 bad season. It's not like hes been contantly shit for years.
insanly overrated British player as usual
Started 49/60
bro... what drugs do u use... Zaniolo in his career never made a good season. In his best season he scored 6 goals. He is the clear example of overrated by media.
92/92 Ballon d'Or 2022.
there's downfall when you just scored against madrid in semi final UCL then next season you just goal against mid team in EPL
Worse player too
Walmart version of mahrez
I love when some people get mad and call him "overrated" just because he stays in Paris 🤡
scored a brace at Etihad Stadium at 17 years old, goals in both leg agains Madrid, hat trick vs barcelona, scored at Old trafford, anfield etc.. but yeah too weak for the prem or la liga 😂
rattled and entire country by saying no lmfao!!
" Meme-able national " we won 8 international trophies you only won 1.. also speak speak about feyonord fans that burned their city after their final loss against Roma. There’s level to this, know your place with your flat ugly country
Don’t care to be honest, same shit happened last year at Wembley with English fans when they lost the Euro final.. even Feyonoord fans burned their city after Conference League loss, there’s retarded fans everywhere As long as in my country we got top notch food, greatest history, good wages with a good social system while enjoying our magnificent landscapes and wonderful cities, I couldn’t care less about some few degenerated fans
*finished manager
Would be a good Xhakxa replacement at arsenal probably wont happen but would be good for the gunners if it did happen
Why would he downgrade
good upgrade but Aggression , Interceptions and Stamina should be higher .
Mouais je pense que t’aurais pu ajouter la plupart de ceux que je t’ai cité, avec la plupart des gars que je t’ai nommé on peut sauter les 3/4 des équipes nationales. C’est pas aussi fort que les Benze etc mais malgré ça y’a énormément de qualités, c’est du solide l’ami.
Do you want France to give you some advices like how you should play to win trophies ?
We have won the most wars and battles in history, a french family ran your country , in head to head ratio we smoke you, Hitler considered us as his greatest rival not you( he said it himself) , we have a more beautiful and better country & again, here’s the facts we slaughtered you so much that the ratio looks like Bayern vs hansa rostock
Not gonna lie bro your first sentence made me smile because we’re the country having won the most wars and battles in history and in head to head ratio we literally own you. Like I ain’t even gonna troll or argue, here’s the facts. Enjoy the humiliations
Every time is see the France squad and u21 squad I’m always amazed by how many great players they have. They definitely have the largest pool of players to chose from out of every country in my opinion
They were Vikings when they arrived but after 150 years in the north west of France they became French, they mixed with the French population and had children with them, spoke French, adopted the Christian religion and the French manners. On the tapestry of Bayeux relating the facts of the French-Norman invasion of England in 1066 they call themselves "french". Also most of part of Guillaume The Conqueror’s barony was from various parts of France and not just Normandy. Among the hundreds of thousands of French invaders you also do realize that their names doesn’t sound Scandinavian at all right but 100% french right? Bertrand de Bricquebec, Robert de Brix, Roger de Carteret, Anquetil de Cherbourg, L'Estourmy de Valognes, Eudes au Capel de la Haye-du-Puits, le sire d’Orglandes, frères Pierrepont, Chevalier de Pirou, Raoul de Tourlaville, Pierre de Valognes, Guillaume de Vauville, Raoul de Vesly. And the Plantagenêt (lovely English sounding name, don’t you think ?) the famous English house who was a french family originated from Anjou who ruled your country for decades
I lived in France for 2 years for my studies and 1 year in England. If there’s hatred it’s only on the English side because you fucked them numerous times, they would also think that the French- Norman invaders of 1066 are still among the elite of the country so there is always a sort of bitter feeling and inferiority complex. The best proof of this is the media, you'll never see any criticism of the UK from the French medias because you don’t care about them, whereas the UK takes every opportunity to criticise you. All this is due to history and the fact that they still have this bitterness and feeling of inferiority towards you.
for our part we do not hate you, in fact we don’t hate anyone, we are very indifferent. The only kind of stuff you can hear about you in France is that british tend to be ugly, that you have crappy weather and make trash food and that you are the first French colony
Hope we get drawn against you so daddy France can teach his son USA some good manners ;-)
89/89 absolutely class
Can they just give him +1 in slide tackling so he has the "tackler" specialty?
Exactly and his pace is not true he's actually faster than 54?? Against juve at home he was in a back 4 and he was solid... he reads situations before they are painted soo he Don't really need to use it... only low IQ defenders need to rely on pace in my opinion. Should be in the mid 60s or low 60s at least 88/88
Best CB in the world. 88/88 come on already
88 reactions, 90 interceptions and defensive awareness, 85 slide tackling and add "team player" trait. With that he would have 87 overall.
There are about 100+ of this same comment here. It's just a game.
Messi getting so much hate... the best and one of the most humble people to kick a ball... what a world we live in lol